Your opinion matters

Your opinion matters

So, I have a funny story. For the last year or so, whenever I turn my computer on it opens to a beautiful image on an opening screen. In the upper right-hand corner of this screen there is a button you can click to see a brief info about the photo.

I have gotten in a habit of always clicking on that little button to see where in the world this beautiful place is located.

Not only does it give you a brief info about the photo, but there is a button you can click if you “Like” the image, and a button you can click if you are “Not a fan” of the image. Based on which images you “Like”, the computer algorithm tailors the photos to only show the types of scenes you prefer.

For example, I am “Not a fan” of close-up photos of random animals. But on the other hand, I very much “Like” lighthouse images, and beautiful landscapes.

It’s become a highlight for me, of turning the computer on – and finding out where in the world this beautiful scene is located! And for the last year or more I have clicked “Like” on just about all the images which appear.

But last week, when I turned the computer on … there was no little button in the upper right-hand corner! Here you can see the photo which appeared on the opening screen. (of course I took this photo today, and the little button is back … but last week it wasn’t there!)

What a beautiful scene! Where in the world is this beautiful place located?!

The button is not there to tell me!

Not only that … the button is not there for me to let the computer know how much I “Like” this image!

It was almost comical how much this bothered me. Every day last week I was annoyed that I couldn’t find out where this beautiful place is located! And not only that, I couldn’t let the computer know how much I “Liked” it!

I knew full well that it doesn’t matter at all if I let the computer know how much I “Like” the picture that it gave me. The computer does not care! The computer does not care at all.

Then it suddenly occurred to me … but God gives me wonderful blessings every day! Just like the picture on my computer screen changes every few days to some new surprise of beauty, so also God gives me surprises of blessing and beauty every day! It’s no different.

And God cares!

God cares if I “Like” the beautiful one-of-a-kind new sunrise He gave me this morning! God cares if I “Like” the white puffy clouds floating across the sky! God cares if I “Like” the sunset I can barely see through the trees.

And God also cares if I’m “Not a fan” of something that happens in my life. God cares if I’m “Not a fan” of the way my boss treats me at work! God cares if I’m “Not a fan” of my physical health limitations! God cares if I’m “Not a fan” of the loss I’m going through.

God cares! My opinion matters!

God wants to hear what I think!

God wants me to talk to Him. God wants me to share with Him!

Your opinion matters too! God cares about what matters to you!

Just like I enjoy clicking my opinion on the opening computer screen each morning, so also God is inviting you to click your opinion each morning about what is going on in your life.

God is inviting you to share with Him! He wants to know!

Are you delighted with that fabulous, delicious cup of hot coffee? Click the “Like” button and let God know!

Are you thankful for the sunshine? Click the “Like” button and let God know!

Are you “Not a fan” of the nasty commute and the way that person cut you off? Let God know … He wants you to share that with Him.

Your opinion matters! God cares about what matters to you!

By the way, the little button on my opening screen is back this week. And in case you too were curious about the location of that beautiful place on my computer screen … it’s the Cote d’Azur in France.