Your life is a gift!

Your life is a gift!

The candle in today’s background photo was a gift … a gift of love from my daughter.

So also, God has given the world a gift of Love … God has given His own Son, Jesus! 

When we receive God’s gift of Love, the presence of Holy Spirit fills our life with Light!
 … so that we can shine the LIGHT of Jesus!
…  so that we can shine the LOVE of Jesus!
… so that we can shine the JOY of Jesus!

“In Your Presence there is fullness of JOY.”   -Psalm 16:11a

The Holy Spirit is the very Presence of God, filling our life with LIGHT, with LOVE, with JOY!

As we shine for Jesus in our dark world, we take the very Presence of God with us into those dark places.  Wherever we go, the LIGHT of Jesus goes too.  Wherever we go, the LIGHT of Jesus brightens up those  dark corners.

YOU are a gift!    

Your life is a gift of LIGHT … to bring JOY to a dark world.

The Fruit of the Spirit is JOY.