Young cub Blessing

Young cub Blessing

I was sitting here at the dining room table working on a blog post when the Ring notification went off on my phone. Of course I didn’t think anything about it. It’s just the deer.

I popped up and went to look out the window … but I didn’t see anything.

I took a look at my phone and lo and behold … it was a young bear cub! How exciting!

The people who lived here before us told us that they had named the big bear “BooBoo” (after the sidekick in the Yogi Bear cartoon). I shared some photos of “BooBoo” several weeks ago, when he came strolling by on a sunny Sunday afternoon. But this was not “BooBoo.” This bear is much younger.

A young adult bear.

Launched out into the world on his own.

Just like my own “young cubs.”

I found it a happy “coincidence” that I had “just so happened” to choose my Mama Bear mug that very morning.

I love my Mama Bear mug because as I use it throughout the day I pray for my kids!

As I mentioned in an earlier blog post this week, it’s graduation season! Kids are graduating from high school and launching out into the big world as they go off to college. Kids are graduating from college and launching out into the big world on their own as they start their careers and their lives.

“Young cubs” everywhere are launching out on their own.

It’s a beautiful thing to see our kids launch and become young adults.

Thank you God for “young cub” blessings! Thank you God for the blessing of nurturing and caring for our “young cubs” when they are little. And thank you God for the beauty of the “launching season” when our “young cubs” head out into the big world on their own!