You Prepare a Table Before Me

You Prepare a Table Before Me

I have always wanted to go up to Table Mountain.  I first read about Table Mountain in a magazine article years ago … the article was all about star-gazing events.  Apparently, the views up at Table Mountain are amazing. 

So, one bright sunny day this past fall hubby and I decided to head up there.  It was one of those very last nice days of the year. 

We got up super early and drove several hours to the northern side of Mt. Baker.  We had attempted this trip two different years in the past … only to no avail both times, as everything had still been buried deep in snow (even in mid-July). 

But not this day!  This particular day was gorgeous, clear, and sunny … with a crisp autumn chill to the air! 

With much anticipation and excitement, we drove higher and higher up roads which had previously been buried deep in snow … gasping in awe as each new vista came into view around each new bend. 

Finally, at long last, we reached the Table Mountain parking lot! 

But much to our dismay … the parking lot had just filled up!  Completely full!  Every available space was taken!  We had just barely missed getting a parking space.  Of course the shoulder of the road was an option, but it was soft and crumbly, with hardly any room, and steep drop-offs! 

So, with sinking hearts we drove back down the hill to the next pull-off parking lot. 

Over the course of the next two hours cars continually climbed the steep hill up to Table Mountain … only to turn around and head back down again … and fill up the parking lot where we had wound up. 

Hubby and I enjoyed a bit of hiking and a picnic lunch.  Then decided we would drive back up to the top one more time.  If God wanted to provide a spot for us, we knew He certainly could.  If not, we would go back home. 

So, back up to the top we went once more. 

The traffic was unreal!  Dozens of cars had wound up parking along the precarious soft crumbly shoulder.  People were everywhere!  We reached the parking area and joined in the line of cars inching through the jammed parking lot. 

Eventually we all came to a complete standstill.  Someone was backing out of their spot somewhere up ahead. 

As we were sitting there, an older couple arrived back at their car after their hike.  They were ready to leave … and … their car was parked directly where we were stopped in line. 

The nice man came over to us and explained that they would try to back out so we could have their spot, but if there wasn’t enough room to back out, then it might not work out.  Sure enough … there was just enough room for them to back out … and there, God had provided a spot especially for us!  Front and center!  Directly in front of the trailhead up to Table Mountain

God is so amazing! 

Psalm 23:5 – “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” 

I wouldn’t consider all the people in that traffic backup through the parking lot to be my “enemies” … but there was certainly no doubt God had provided a “Table” for us!   Thank you, God!! 

Psalm 112:4 – “Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man.”