You are the Light of the world

You are the Light of the world

Over the past two weeks we have been taking a look at Jesus’s teachings in the Sermon on the Mount  (Matthew, chapters 5-7). 

As has been stated before, Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount was radical for those who first heard it, because in this sermon Jesus was bringing to an end the centuries-old, well-established way of living according to the Law, and ushering in a brand-new way of living according to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Over and over in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus states, “You have heard it said …” (then He quotes the Old Testament Law).  In each instance, Jesus then follows up with brand new instructions, “But I tell you …”.  

Last week we looked at: “You are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13).   Jesus immediately followed this with: “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14-16).   Since the context for Jesus’s sermon was the fulfillment of the Old Testament Law, the natural question to arise is:  What was the significance of Light when it came to worshiping God according to the Old Testament Law?

Light was hugely significant!  God had given detailed, precise instructions to Moses (in the Law) for the construction of a Golden Lampstand for the Tabernacle.  The Golden Lampstand was placed inside the curtained Tabernacle, in the Holy Place … just outside the Holy of Holies where the very Presence of God dwelt.

Everything about the Golden Lampstand was symbolic of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for our sins.  Jesus Himself declared that He is the Light of the World (John 8:12).  Just as the olive oil for the lamps of the Golden Lampstand was crushed, so also Jesus was crushed for our sins.  Just as the olive oil for the lamps was pure/clear/ of the finest quality, so also Jesus was the perfect, pure, highest sacrifice. 

When Jesus taught His followers that “You are the light of the world,” this was radical!  No longer was the Light of the Lampstand (which was the perfect representation Jesus Christ) to be solely contained within the Tabernacle / Temple.  The Light which represents Jesus Christ is now outside of the Tabernacle / Temple … the Light which represents Jesus Christ is now His followers!  WE are now the LIGHT that represents Jesus Christ! 

“You are the light of the world.   Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”   -Matthew 5:14,16