You are Salt!

You are Salt!

This past Sunday our pastor preached from II Thessalonians 2:1-12  …  about the Man of Lawlessness  …  and the coming of Jesus Christ.   

Our pastor asked the question:  Are we are seeing an increase in lawlessness in society today?   


II Thessalonians 2:7 tells us that the power of lawlessness is already at work in our world.    Yes!    I can see that!  

II Thessalonians 2:9-12 tells us that the coming of the lawless one will be by the power of Satan.  

Society all around us today is rotting (as our pastor accurately stated)  …  and if we are Christians (meaning, we love and follow Jesus Christ)  then we are “salt,” slowing down the decay.  

Salt doesn’t stop decay altogether.    Salt simply slows the decay down.  

Yes!    This is totally what life feels like!    Being a Christian feels like being a grain of “salt” in a rotting, decaying society.  

II Thessalonians 2:6-7 tells us that “… the One who now holds [lawlessness] back will continue to do so till He is taken out of the way.”    This is the Holy Spirit  …  at work through Christians  (those who love and follow Jesus Christ).  

If you love and follow Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit is at work through you!  …  to hold back wickedness and lawlessness.    The Holy Spirit is at work through you to slow down and hold back the decay!  

Thinking on these thoughts, I couldn’t help but pull out my special salt/pepper shakers.    You can see them here.    These salt/pepper shakers were a gift from my son.  

Both my son and I are very fond of Strange Planet cartoons, because the wordplay is so witty and clever.    The two little Strange Planet characters you see on my salt/pepper shakers are from a funny cartoon, about them watching a frightening movie.  

To be honest, this is exactly how it feels to be “salt” as a Christian in today’s society!    The way the little characters are looking frightened, as they watch the movie  …  it is every bit as frightening to watch society decaying and rotting all around us!  

Just scrolling through the news headlines  …  I feel like the little frightened Strange Planet characters on my salt/pepper shakers!  

Where there is a lot of salt  …  the decay is slowed significantly!    Where there are only a few grains of salt  …  the decay is rampant!  

Certain areas of our country have a lot of “salt”  …  therefore, the decay in society in these places is slowed significantly.  

However  …  the area where hubby and I and our two kids live,  it oftentimes feels like we are the only grains of “salt.”    There are so few grains of “salt” where we live  …  so the decay in society all around us is rampant!  

It is hard to be a single grain of “salt” in a hunk of rotting decaying meat.  

But this is what God has called us to.  

God wants the rotting decaying hunk of meat to be “preserved” with “salt”  …  and some of us, God chooses to sprinkle into places where there is not a lot of “salt.”    Our presence as “salt” there matters!    It matters a lot!!    Because if we weren’t there  …  then there would be nothing to hold back the decay.  

So we live as “salt”  …  surrounded by decaying rotting society.    And we stand up for Jesus!    And we live with love!  

We live countercultural  …  we extend grace and forgiveness;  we show compassion and kindness

The Holy Spirit empowers us to live with patience, in the face of being continually mistreated;   we are filled with joy, when everyone around us is swallowed up in fear.  

If you love and follow Jesus Christ, then you are “salt.”   

Your role as “salt” matters!    It matters a lot!!  

Even though it is frightening to watch society all around us decaying and rotting  …  God has us here, right here where we are,  for a purpose!    God has us here now, right now at this very time,  on purpose!     Because God wants us to be “salt” for these people!   

These people matter!   

And so …  be “salt” …  with all that you are!