Workplace Poison

Workplace  Poison

I was calmly sitting here having my breakfast this morning when two coyotes trotted out of the woods, one after the other.  TWO!  I have never seen two coyotes together before.  They both trotted across the back yard … then one after the other they each proceeded to stop and pee on a baby cedar tree we had planted in the far corner.

It suddenly occurred to me:  That’s what has been wrong with the baby sequoia tree we planted last Spring.  It was so heathy and vibrant when we planted it.  But over the course of this past year, it slowly began to fade … with sections completely dying. 

Here you can see a photo of the baby Sequoia.

This pretty much sums up my precious family and what their life is like.  God has “planted” my precious family each in unique specific workplaces … to grow strong and tall and make a difference for Him!

But … nasty people (aka coyotes) keep “peeing” on them.  It is so hard to grow strong and tall and make a difference when you keep having poison “peed” on you all the time.

Add to that deer which come by to nibble and bite and take pieces off.

Do you ever feel this way?? 

Do you feel like nasty people keep “peeing” on you??   And if it’s not that, it’s other people who nibble and bite and take pieces off you??

But God …

“God is faithful;   He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”   – 1 Corinthians 10:13

Keep hanging in there!

Keep growing tall!

And if God has called you to the ministry of encouragement … keep nurturing wounded weary hearts!