What’s the point of life?

What’s the point of life?

The trillium has reached the end of its “life cycle.”   As you can see in the photo, its petals have turned a beautiful pink/purple.  

Have you ever wondered, “What’s the point of life anyway??”  

We might look at the little trillium flower and ask the same thing – “What’s the point of the little trillium flower?    It only blooms for 2-3 weeks  …  then it’s gone … and you would have no idea it had even been there.    What’s the point?  

*  The little trillium flower brings great joy and pleasure to God!    God rejoices in what He has made!   (Psalm 104)  

*  The little trillium flower has brought great joy to me!    I have delighted in watching it bloom! 

*  The little trillium flower brings glory to God!    Everything God has made reveals who He is and what kind of God He is!    He is creative … beyond imagination!    The way He has designed little wildflowers, so incredibly detailed, complex, yet astoundingly simple … it blows the mind!  

Just by blooming and being what it was made to be, the little trillium brings glory and praise to God!    (Psalm 145:10)   

*  The little trillium has drawn me closer to God, my great Creator!    As I have watched the trillium bloom, I have been in awe of God’s creativity, design, and care over His creation.   

So, we come back to the question, “What’s the point of life anyway??”  

Our life is short.   Just like the little trillium flower.   “2-3 weeks” (so to speak) is all we get on this earth.   Then we are gone.    So why are we even here?    What does it matter?  

*  Just like the little trillium, our life brings great joy and pleasure to God!    God rejoices in what He has made!    God made you!    And God delights in you and rejoices over you!   

“The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”   – Zephaniah 3:17  

*  Just like the little trillium flower has brought great joy to me … so also, our life can bring great joy to others around us!    Our life can be a blessing and a source of joy and hope to those around us!  

*  Just like the little trillium flower has brought glory to God, just by being what God made it to be  …  so also, our life can bring glory to God, just by being who God has made us to be.   

We don’t have to try to be something special in order to please God or make God happy.   God loves us just the way He has made us.  

We don’t have to try to be something different, if we don’t feel like we are good enough.   God loves us just the way He has made us.  

We don’t have to try to be like someone else, who we think is better than us.   God made us to bring glory and praise to Him, just the way He has made us.   

Be who God has made you to be.   Your life can bring glory to God!  

*  Just like the little trillium flower has been a demonstration of God’s care over His creation, and has in turn drawn me closer to Him  …  so also, as people see God’s care in our lives, it will likewise draw others to God. 

Your life matters!   Even though we each are like a little trillium bloom … with a brief, fleeting “bloom time” … your life can bring great glory and praise to God!  

“As for man, … he flourishes like a flower of the field;  the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.  But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD’s love is with those who fear Him.”  – Psalm 103:15-17