What people need most …

What people need most …

Going hand-in-hand with yesterday’s blog post, I would like to share one more Strange Planet cartoon (from my day-by-day calendar). This one was a meaningful “God blessing” to me a few weeks ago.

And once again, I would like to say how grateful I am that God not only gives us blessings for the joyful happy times … but He also gives us “God blessings” (even something as simple as a cartoon) to bless and comfort us when life is hard.

This is so true!

Tying in with the above cartoon, here is one more quote (from the same source as yesterday’s quote … and also author unknown, as I did not write down the name of the source – my apologies).

Thank you God for your blessings to us each and every day! Thank you God that you not only give us blessings for the happy joyful times … but especially thank you God for the blessings you give us to comfort us during the hard times!

We are grateful! And we love you God!