What is the best thing money can buy?

What is the best thing money can buy?

What is the best thing money can buy? 
Freedom from worry when the bills pile high. 
Being able to make payments by the due date. 
Provision enough, so that we’re not late.  

What is the best thing money can buy?  
A roof over my head when the economy’s run dry.
The ability to pay on our mortgage loan. 
Thank you God, for the gift of a home! 

What is the best thing money can buy? 
Food on the table, every night. 
Being able to eat three meals a day, 
Thank you God, for providing this way! 

What is the best thing money can buy? 
A tank full of gas when the price is sky high! 
Having a week’s worth of fuel for my car. 
Thank you God, that I can make it that far. 

What is the best thing money can buy? 
A warm winter coat when the icy snow flies! 
Heat for our home.  Warm shoes for our feet. 
Tires that can manage slippery streets. 

But there are some things in life money just can’t buy: 
Arms to wrap around me when I need a good cry. 
A listening ear when I’ve had a bad day. 
Patience when my mood is in a bad way! 

A “safe place” where I am free to fall apart. 
A “safe place” where I can pour out my broken heart. 
A “safe place” to share my thoughts one and all. 
A “safe place” where I can once again stand tall. 

Someone to truly care when I have a need. 
Someone to reach out when my aching heart bleeds. 
Wisdom and counsel when I’m at a loss. 
These things are priceless! … far beyond any cost! 

This Christmas let’s give more than money can buy. 
Let’s give of ourselves.  Let’s give of our time. 
The gift of our presence can’t be wrapped with a bow. 
But its impact will be more than we’ll ever know! 

This Christmas let’s give a “listening ear” …  
for heartache and struggles, and yes, even tears.
A “listening ear” for that horrible bad day! …
and that mean nasty person who just won’t go away. 

This Christmas let’s give the gift of patience and grace! 
Let’s give kindness, in spite of hate thrown in our face. 
Let’s give kindness to those who push us away. 
Let’s give our love freely this Christmas Day! 

The gift of a “safe place” is far beyond worth! 
Let’s be a “safe place” for those who are hurt. 
No condemnation … no judging … no shame. 
No criticizing … no emotional games. 

Let’s be a “safe place” where it’s ok to fall.
Where thoughts can be poured out one and all. 
A “safe place” where hope can be discovered again. 
A “safe place” where strength can be found to stand. 

This Holiday Season … this Christmas Day, 
let’s give far more than money away! 
Cause the greatest of gifts … far beyond any price, 
are the gifts of our love … which can change a life!