What does Godly dating look like? … the modern dating scene.

What does Godly dating look like? … the modern dating scene.

Yesterday I made the point that Godly dating is a lot like going through “Open Houses.”  Just as going through an “Open House” gives a potential homebuyer the necessary information regarding a potential home purchase, so also “going out on a date” gives a person valuable knowledge needed for making a wise decision about marriage. 

However … the modern dating scene has created massive confusion! 

The modern dating scene nowadays is akin to going through an “Open House” without any regard at all for purchasing the home … but rather with the sole intent of using the opportunity for personal gain

The modern dating scene could be compared to going through an “Open House” with the view that everything is free for the taking and free for enjoyment. 

The modern dating scene is like going through an “Open House” and deciding to “go shopping” in the master closet, picking out whatever clothing items strike a fancy. 

The modern dating scene is like deciding to take a swim in the pool out back … then dirtying up the decorative towels hanging on the towel rack in the bath … then leaving them in a soggy heap on the floor. 

The modern dating scene is like going through the pantry and chowing down on whatever is desired.  It is like plopping down in the comfy recliner in the living room, then proceeding to turn on the latest football game on the tv. 

We all recognize that this type of behavior would be absurd and completely inappropriate when it comes to going through an “Open House.”  But this is exactly what is happening when it comes to “dating” nowadays. 

“Going out on a date” with someone has now become synonymous with “property ownership privileges.” 

Most young adult singles think it would be nice to be married.  They have some ideas about what type of person they would be interested in marrying.  And they are keeping an eye on the “availability market.” 

But how is it possible to find “the right someone” when there is no longer any opportunity to get to know someone??   There is no longer the freedom to simply “go out on a date” without it being construed to mean “property ownership privileges.” 

As a result, many godly young adults, who are wanting to obey and please God, now automatically assume that “going out on a date” is thereby synonymous with marital commitment for life. 

Or in other words, simply going through an “Open House” automatically means a commitment to purchase the home and live in it forever. 

But you don’t even know if it is the right home or not! 

Here you can see a photo from the very first home which hubby and I purchased (this is the back bath).  Driving by the outside gave us some idea of what the home was like.  Seeing photos on the brochure gave us further ideas of what the home was like.  But it was only when we went through the “Open House” that we were able to really know what the home was truly like. 

It was going through the “Open House” which gave us insight into the fact that the former owner was a heavy smoker … therefore the entire house smelled strongly like cigarette smoke … even inside the refrigerator! 

Going through the “Open House” gave us insight into the fact that the former owner had three very large indoor-outdoor dogs … therefore the house smelled strongly like dog … and the linoleum was heavily coated with layers of grime! 

As you look at the photo of the dark green back bath, you can see just how important it was for hubby and me to know exactly what we were getting into when we purchased this home.  And just how much this commitment would require of us! 

The same is true when it comes to “dating.”  It is vital to “go through Open Houses.” 

It is vital to go out on dates with people … without having the baggage of feeling that a “date” now means commitment forever. 

Deciding whom to marry is a far bigger, far weightier, far more serious decision than purchasing a home.  It would be wise go through some “Open Houses” if you are going to have the information and knowledge you need to make the right decision.