What does Godly dating look like? … finding the “perfect one.”

What does Godly dating look like? … finding the “perfect one.”

The background photo for yesterday’s blog post was the sweeping view of the Snoqualmie Valley from the 4-million-dollar “Open House” which hubby and I happened across. 

When it comes to dating and finding “that special someone” … we all want a “4-million-dollar special someone.” 

But let’s face it … there are very few 4-million-dollar homes with sweeping views of the Snoqualmie Valley.  And even fewer which are “For Sale.” 

So, in terms of dating, it is decided that it will be ok to settle for a “2-million-dollar special someone.” 

But let’s face it … there are very few 2-million-dollar homes with a custom Chihuly chandelier hanging in the entryway … located in a private community, on a private lake. 

When it comes to purchasing a home, it is simply a fact of life that there are very few “perfect” homes out there … even fewer “perfect” ones which are “For Sale.”  The vast majority of homes out there are just plain normal ordinary homes. 

So also, when searching for “that perfect special someone” it must be acknowledged that the vast majority of availability out there are just plain normal ordinary people. 

In today’s background photo you can see the very first home hubby and I purchased.  As is clearly obvious, this home was not “perfect.”  It was very plain, normal, and ordinary.  And yet … it was the perfect one God had for us!  It was a gift from God, and we both were deeply thankful! 

This is what it looks like when it comes to Godly dating. 

No one is “perfect” … every person has their own faults, flaws, and shortcomings.  When hubby and I first met and began dating, there were character issues in my life which needed work.  There were also areas in hubby’s life which needed work. 

Here you can see, in the photo on the left, the dark green back bath and bright yellow laundry room of our first home.  Also, you might notice there is no washer or dryer.  This is similar to what a dating relationship is like as a couple begins to get to know each other.  There are things which need some work. 

In the photo on the right, you can see the exact same area after hubby and I had spent some time working on the “flaws.”  A fresh coat of paint, new linoleum on the floors, doors hung on the cabinets, and a washer and dryer installed. 

This is what “building a relationship together” looks like. 

Here is another example.  In the photo on the left, you can see the original bright pink walls of the living room and the faux-rock fireplace.  It is obvious we were just starting the process of painting, as the entire area is covered in plastic. 

The photo on the right shows what the fireplace looked like several years later.  The faux-rock fireplace had previously absorbed a lot of cigarette-smoke … and as a result, the house continually smelled  (no matter how much we aired it out).  We decided to remove the faux-rock.  And much to our surprise, underneath was discovered a lovely brick fireplace with a marble hearth. 

It took work … and it took effort.  This is exactly what “building a relationship together” looks like. 

Here you can see a photo of our first home 9 years later.  It looks considerably different than when we first purchased the home.  A new roof, new facia boards, new windows & doors, new interior paint, new exterior paint, new landscaping. 

All those changes didn’t happen overnight.  It was a little bit at a time.  It was a lot of hard work!  It was investment!  It was commitment. 

This is what Godly dating looks like!   It looks like being willing to see the potential.  It looks like being truly thankful to God for the perfect someone He brings into your life.  It looks like working together to address the mutual “flaws.”  It looks like hard work.  It looks like investment!  It looks like commitment.