We need each other

We need each other

God has set us each on our own individual unique Path of Life.

As our Path of Life twists and changes, we encounter sections of the journey which are hard and difficult! We find ourselves weary and spent … facing yet another uphill climb. We are so exhausted!! We are not sure how we are going to make it up one more hill.

Yet, we do not travel Life’s Path alone.
God has given us each other to travel the Path of Life together.

As we struggle through our hard uphill climb, those who travel with us can help us along our way.

In turn, as our fellow-travelers face their own difficult stretch of the journey, we too can serve them and help them along their way.

It does require sacrifice to serve others. And yes, it will often feel like our sacrifice goes unnoticed, unappreciated, unseen.

But God sees!  God is taking note … and God will reward each of us for our acts of service to each other.

“Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does.” – Ephesians 7:7-8