I was upstairs just now starting a load of laundry … when the succulents over on the desk caught my attention:
Immediately the verse popped into my head: “We all, like sheep [aka: succulents] have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way.” – Isaiah 53:6
Every single person is just like these succulents.
We grow tall and top-heavy with our pride, thinking “we’re all that.”
But to be honest … “we’re not all that.”
In fact, we can’t even stand up under our own weight. While we are thinking “we’re all that” … in actuality we are flopping over sideways.
We look absurd. And we don’t even realize it.
On today, the day after Christmas, you might be wondering to yourself: “Why Christmas??” “Why did we just go through all the hoopla of celebrating Christmas? What is the point of it all anyway??”
The point of it all is because each one of us is just like these succulents.
Each succulent is completely different & unique. So also, in the same way, each person is completely different & unique.
And yet every succulent has the same problem – they are each flopping over sideways and prone to breaking off … which would be to their own ruin. In the same way, every person is likewise “flopping over sideways and making a mess out of life.” If something is not done, each person’s life will ultimately wind up “breaking” – to the ruin of each person.
“We all, like succulents, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him [Jesus Christ] the iniquity [the “flopping over mess!”] of us all.” – Isaiah 53:6
We all are a “flopping over mess!”
But Jesus came to make the mess right.
That is why we celebrate Christmas! We celebrate because Jesus came to make the “flopping over mess” of humanity right again.
To be honest, I don’t know what to do to “fix” these flopped over succulents. I’m not that smart. I don’t have the solution.
In the same way, each of us don’t have the solution to fix the “flopped over mess” we are in because of our sin.
But Jesus can fix it!
That is the whole reason Jesus came! Jesus came to bear the weight of all our “flopped over mess.”
Thank you Jesus that we don’t have to continue living a “flopped over” life … prone to breaking off, to our utter, ultimate ruin.
Thank you Jesus that you came to bear the weight of our “flopped over mess.”
Thank you Jesus for loving us and coming to fix our problem … even though we are a “flopped over mess” with nothing to offer. We are so grateful!