Water-repellent Relationship

Water-repellent Relationship

The day was chilly and overcast when hubby and I kayaked Baker Lake, therefore I wore … you guessed it … my lightweight rain jacket! 

As water droplets rolled down my paddle, seeking to land in my lap, I watched in fascination as they hit my lightweight rain jacket and were immediately repelled.  Each water droplet would immediately shed off the rain jacket! 

This “water-repellent” quality is a great quality for relationships … and for life! 

Life is not always clear blue skies and sunshine!  Life has a lot of “rain.”  If we are constantly getting “soaked” through and through, we will not be very healthy.  Getting soaked through and through will leave us chilled … for sure!  Then the cold winds of life blow!  Inevitably we’ll wind up getting sick. 

So also, relationships are not always clear blue skies and sunshine!  Relationships have their fair share of “rain.”  Disagreements.  Misunderstandings.  Tension.  Miscommunication. 

If we don’t let things “roll off” when it comes to our relationship, we will wind up getting “soaked” through and through … “soaked” with frustration … “soaked” with resentment … “soaked” with bitterness. 

Getting “soaked” through and through will leave us chilled!  A chilly atmosphere will permeate the relationship. 

Inevitably, the relationship will become unhealthy and “sickly.”  Every little thing which comes up in the relationship will bring about yet another round of “sickness” within the relationship. 

Healthy relationships are the result of “water-repellent” attitudes … letting the “rain” and the “droplets” of disagreement roll off.   Repelling the “droplets” of frustration, resentment, bitterness. 

Seek to develop a “water-repellent” attitude when it comes to your relationship.