Waiting … for a way to Paradise

Waiting … for a way to Paradise

We all long for Paradise.

God created us to live forever in a beautiful paradise, in perfect loving relationship with Him!  This is what we were made for. 

But alas, we stand outside the gate … with no way to get past the barrier of sin. 

We gaze longingly towards paradise … as if gazing towards a beautiful and magnificent mansion … on a vast estate with acres to explore … and sweeping views of a mountain range.

How can we get to Paradise?? 

Our only hope is the promised Savior who will come.  The promised Savior who will tear down the barrier of sin!  The promised Savior who will open the gateway to Paradise!

How will we know who this promised Savior is?? 
How will we know when He arrives??

The Old Testament is filled with signposts showing us exactly who this promised Savior will be!

*  The promised Savior will be born in Bethlehem – Micah 5:2.  
(This happened! –  Matthew 2:1-6)

*  The promised Savior will be born of a virgin – Isaiah 7:14.  
(This happened! –  Luke 1:26-35Matthew 1:21-23)

*  The promised Savior will be God with us! – Isaiah 7:14.  
(This happened! –  Matthew 1:21-23)

*  The promised Savior will be both God and man – Isaiah 9:6.  
(This happened! –  John 10:30)

*  The promised Savior will be preceded by a messenger who will prepare the way – Isaiah 40:3Malachi 3:1.   (This happened! –  Luke 7:27Matthew 11:10Mark 1:2-3Luke 3:2-6Matthew 3:13)

*  The promised Savior will have the Spirit of God upon Him – Isaiah 11:1-2Isaiah 42:1-4.  
(This happened! –  Matthew 3:16-17Matthew 12:18-21)

*  The promised Savior will preach good news to the poor – Isaiah 61:1-2Micah 3:8.  
(This happened! – Luke 4:18-19Matthew 11:2-5Matthew 21:14)

*  The promised Savior will bring healing – Isaiah 35:5-6Isaiah 42:7, 18;   Isaiah 53:5.  
(This happened! –  Luke 7:18-22Matthew 11:5John 9:6-7Matthew 14:35-36Matthew 15:30-31)

*  The promised Savior will be a light to the gentiles – Isaiah 42:6-7.  
(This happened! – John 8:12)

*  The promised Savior will visit the 2nd Temple – Haggai 2:9.  
(This happened! – Luke 2:25-32;   Matthew 21:9-14Luke 19:45-48)

*  The promised Savior will ride into Jerusalem on a donkey – Zechariah 9:9.  
(This happened!  see Matthew 21:6-9;   Mark 11:1-10;   Luke 19:29-38;   John 12:13-15)

*  The promised Savior will be sold for 30 pieces of silver – Zechariah 11:12-13.  
(This happened! – Matthew 27:9-10)

*  The promised Savior will be betrayed – Psalm 41:9.   
(This happened! – Matthew 26:14-16;   Mark 14:10-11;   Luke 22:47-48;   John 13:18-30)

*  The promised Savior will be whipped and beaten – Isaiah 50:6;  Isaiah 53:4-5.  
(This happened! –  Matthew 26:67;   Matthew 27:26)

*  The promised Savior will be despised by the Jewish nation – Isaiah 53:3.  
(This happened! – Matthew 27:23)

*  The promised Savior will be pierced – Zechariah 12:10Isaiah 53:5.  
(This happened! – John 19:34-37Revelation 1:5-7)

*  The day will be darkened at noon when the promised Savior dies – Amos 8:9.  
(This happened! – Matthew 27:45-46)

*  Just as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the fish, so also the promised Savior will be 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb –  Jonah 1:17Matthew 12:40.   
(This happened! –  Luke 24:1-27)

*  The promised Savior will be resurrected and live forever – Isaiah 53:11.  
(This happened! –  John 20:1-9Revelation 1:17-18)

*  The promised Savior will take care of the sin problem – Isaiah 53:11-12.  
(This happened! –  Luke 22:37;  Romans 5:6-8Hebrews 1:3)

*  The promised Savior will offer salvation to all mankind – Joel 2:32.  
(This happened! –  Romans 10:13;   John 20:31;   Acts 2:21)

Who is this promised Savior??  Who can tear down the barrier of sin??  Who can open the gateway to Paradise??

It is Jesus Christ!

Revelation 5:9 – “You [Jesus] are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because You were slain, and with Your blood You purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.”