Unseen protection

Unseen protection

The delphiniums came up beautifully this spring.  I was so excited … I couldn’t wait for their beautiful blooms to fill the front flowerbed all summer long. 

Then one morning I came outside, and they were all eaten back.  The deer had been by. 

I’ve been talking this week in the blog posts about loss of friendship … loss of relationship.  All summer, as I would walk by the front flowerbed and see the pitiful remaining leaves of the eaten-back delphiniums, I felt like that.  That’s what I felt like this summer … after losing many of my closest friendships.  

The Bible tells us that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy.  (John 10:10;  1 Peter 5:8) 

Just like the deer ate back all the beautiful delphiniums, that is what Satan is seeking to do to the gardens of our lives. 

Then one morning in August, I came outside and … surprise of all surprises, a lone little delphinium was starting to grow from the eaten-back leaf-base.  For several weeks I watched that lone little delphinium grow tall and set on little blooms. 

I felt like that lone little delphinium.  That’s totally what I felt like as I tried to continue to “bloom” for Jesus this summer. 

But would the lone little delphinium survive??  Would its little blooms have a chance to open??  Or … would the deer come by again?? 

Hoping beyond hope I watched … and waited … and bit by bit the beautiful little blooms opened!  The background photo today shows the lone little delphinium blooming!  It was so beautiful!  I felt like that little delphinium … it had been able to bloom after all! 

But where were the deer?  The deer are always wandering back and forth across the property. 

This mystery was solved as I began to notice bright yellow fungus-type patches in the flowerbeds.  Each morning when I would come outside, there would be yet another new bright yellow fungus-type patch somewhere … always in a different place each morning … scattered here and there all throughout the flowerbed. 

My conclusion is that a coyote has been marking its territory. 

Unseen protection. 

The deer did not eat back the lone little delphinium because it was protected … by unseen protection. 

In the same way, God protects those who love Him!  We might sometimes feel like that lone little delphinium.  We might feel “eaten-back” by the devil.  Yet even if we lose our closest friendships/relationships, God will never leave or forsake us!  God will always be with us to strengthen us … to help us … to protect us! 

Thank you, God, for your unseen protection!