Try something new …

Try something new …

I love today’s Word of Wisdom from my journal: “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered you will never grow.” – Ronald E. Osborn

To this end, Hubby and I have signed up for a forestry class this Fall … our weekly classes will begin this Tuesday. The class will be taught by a professor in the Forestry Department at Washington State University.

I am very excited for this opportunity, and anticipating all the new things I will be able to learn. We will be learning about wildlife, pests, invasive species, sustainable care and management of the land, etc. … We will have a certified forester come to our property to give us insights for how to better care for our land. And we will go on a “field trip” to experience and apply practically what we are learning in class.

What about you? What new things are you learning?

What are you trying to do beyond what you have already mastered?