Trusting the Lord of the Harvest

Trusting the Lord of the Harvest

Matthew 9:37-38 – “Jesus said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.’”

We read this verse … and we pray:  Yes God!  Use me!  Use me in Your harvest field!

And so …  God gives us “seed” to sow. 
Just tiny little seeds:
–  the thought to write a letter to a precious loved one explaining the plan of salvation 
–  the idea to invite a friend out for coffee  
–  the burden to invite a friend to lunch, in order to “have that hard conversation” 
–  the thought to reach out to that lonely person 
–  the idea of a small way to minister to someone in need

Just tiny little seeds … planted in our minds.  
Like tiny little tomato seeds, planted in little nursery pots and placed near a warm sunny window.

We pray over these tiny little seeds!    We water these tiny little seeds with our tears!
*  We write that letter to our precious loved one explaining the plan of salvation.
*  We invite that friend out for coffee.
*  We seek God’s wisdom for “that hard conversation.”
*  We spend time and money in preparation to pour love out to lonely or needy people.

Then it is time to plant those seeds.

Yesterday I took my little tomato starts out … to plant in the cold garden. 

Here you can see a photo of the little tomato starts today.

Do you ever look at your efforts of “sowing seed” for God’s Kingdom and feel like it’s just like these little tomato plants??

God … I nurtured the “seed” You gave me.  I prayed over it!   I watered it with my tears!  I expended effort and energy I didn’t even have.  I got muddy and dirty to plant it.

God … I have sowed and sowed and sowed seed.   Does any of it even matter??   Will anything come of it??   Will it make any difference at all??

As I look at these pitiful little tomato plants, I am reminded how that this time last year the little tomato starts were every bit as droopy and pitiful when they were first taken outside and planted.  I had wondered the exact same thing last year … will they make it??

They did!  They grew strong and healthy!  And they produced a harvest of tomatoes in the fall!

When it comes down to it …  ultimately it is God who brings the harvest!   (whether literal or spiritual)

So don’t be discouraged!   Keep “sowing seed” for God’s Kingdom!   
Keep trusting the Lord of the Harvest!

Matthew 19:26 – “Jesus said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’”

Psalm 126:5-6 – “Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.  He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.”