Time to purge

Time to purge

I just noticed this container of heavy whipping cream in my fridge  …  leftover from when I made Cranberry Salad back at Thanksgiving.    I purchased this container of whipping cream in mid-November  …  therefore, the small leftover amount in my fridge is now 1 ½ months old.  

It’s time to purge!  

Today is the last day of 2023.    The year has run its course and some things from this past year need to be “purged.”  

The whipping cream in my fridge was absolutely delicious in the Cranberry Salad  …  back at Thanksgiving.    But just because it was good for Thanksgiving Dinner does not mean it is something I should be serving to hubby and me in January.    If I was to serve old rancid whipping cream to hubby and me now, we both would probably get sick.  

This same thing is true when it comes to things which occurred during this past year. 

Perhaps it is good things which occurred.   (just like the whipping cream in my fridge was a good thing)    But the good things from this past year are not meant to be held tightly to forever.    God wants us to enjoy them  …  in their proper time and season.   

And then God wants us to “let them go”  …  so that He can place new things in our hand this next year. 

God can’t place wonderful new things in our hands this year if our hands are already full,  gripping tightly to the good things from the past.  

The good things from the past will eventually wind up being like the old leftover whipping cream in my fridge.    If we continue to “live in the past”, it will be rancid for our soul.    It will not be healthy for us.    It will make us sick.  

It’s time to purge. 

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!”  – Isaiah 43:18-19 

Perhaps some things which occurred during this past year were really painful difficult things.   Standing here on the last day of 2023 we might be glad to be done with this past year!    Good riddance!    Moving on to something new!     

However, knowingly, or unknowingly, we might wind up bringing much of that pain and “baggage” with us into this next year.   

If we bring that pain and “baggage” with us into this next year, it likewise will not be healthy for us.    If we choose to continue thinking on those difficult things  …  dwelling on those things  …  re-living those things, it will be rancid for our soul.    It will make us sick.  

It’s time to purge!  

God has new things waiting for us in this brand-new year of 2024.    It’s time to let go of whatever that “ick” was from this past year, and press into what God has for us next.  

As you stand on the last day of 2023, what do you need to purge?