Time in the Garden

Time in the Garden

A relationship is like a garden. 

Here you can see a photo of my garden.  Sad … isn’t it.  If you look closely, you can just barely find the pitiful little zucchini and pumpkin plants amongst the weeds.  It is obvious I have not been spending any time in my garden.  Rather, I have been busy doing other things (namely, helping hubby split logs and spread a mountain of bark chips). 

It is the same when it comes to relationships.  If we would like to have a healthy, vibrant, flourishing relationship … we need to spend time together with those whom we are in relationship with. Time spent together strengthens and builds a relationship! 

If there is a relationship which is languishing and looking as pitiful as the photo … perhaps the answer is that the relationship needs some time … pour some focused attention and care into that relationship. 

Relationships are like a garden.  It takes time spent together in order to have a beautiful, healthy and flourishing relationship!