Thursday Throwback … Lilacs!

Thursday Throwback … Lilacs!

I have a fondness for lilacs. As a young girl, there was a large lilac bush which grew at the corner of the house where my bedroom was. Every spring it bloomed profusely!

One year, my mom was having a garage sale around the time the lilac was in full bloom. Garage sales aren’t exactly interesting … so, to add some flair to the garage sale, I cut blooms from the lilac and decorated the different tables with bouquets of lilacs.

I was hoping the display would help our junk sell faster.

The lilac bouquets definitely did add interest to our garage sale! But instead of helping our junk to sell faster, all the ladies who arrived at the garage sale were so taken with the lilac bouquets that they began asking if they could purchase the bouquets! Haha!

Of course there didn’t seem to be any reason to charge for the lilac bouquets when they grew for free on the bush at the corner of the house, so we gave all the lilac bouquets away for free. The different ladies we gave them to carried them back to their cars as if they were great treasures!

Now that I am older, and for once we finally have blooms on the lilac bushes, I too find myself viewing a simple lilac bouquet as a great treasure!

The antique blue Ball canning jar once belonged to my Grandmother.
Fun “Thursday Throwback” memories.
Thank you God for the joy of lilac bouquets!