Thursday Thankful!

Thursday Thankful!

So … this past Monday evening hubby and I watched the latest episode of The Chosen (season 3, episode 6).  It was powerful!   There was a lot in it! 

While the entire episode moved me deeply, the scene which has kept coming back to mind all week was of two friends, Barnaby and Shua.  The characters of Barnaby and Shua were introduced in season 1 …  and, in The Chosen storyline, were among the earliest followers of Jesus.  

Shua was blind … and Barnaby was crippled. 

As the ministry of Jesus is expanding, Jesus is doing quite a bit of healing.  In the episode from this past Monday, Barnaby brings blind Shua to Jesus and asks Jesus to please heal her. 

Jesus asks Shua if she believes that He can heal her.  Her reply is:  Of course.  Then Jesus asks her why she hasn’t asked Him to heal her before now.    Her reply is:  there are so many other important needs and people who need healing … she doesn’t feel like her need is important.  

Wow!   I could really relate to this! 

I spend most of my life so focused on the needs of others … so many dear precious ones whom I love deeply … who need me to pray for them, and care about them, and support them, and be available and present for them.    It never occurs to me to think about if I have any needs.    It never occurs to me to pray for my own needs.  I’m always so busy praying for everyone else’s needs. 

In this past Monday’s episode, Jesus responds to Barnaby’s request and heals Shua.  Her eyesight is restored.  Jesus turns to Barnaby and asks if he would like to be healed as well.    And Barnaby’s response is:  this is about Shua … her healing is more important … mine can wait for another time. 

Jesus nods … and Barnaby and Shua start to head off … when Barnaby suddenly notices, as an afterthought, that he no longer needs his crutch.  His crippled legs have been healed!    Jesus healed him … even though he hadn’t asked. 

I can really relate to this too! 

Today was one of those “God miracle” days for me. 

On occasion, there are times when I really need a “God miracle” to show up in my life.    But … just like Barnaby and Shua, it doesn’t occur to me to ask. 

Just like Jesus healed Barnaby, even though he didn’t ask  …  Jesus has many times shown up in my life with a “God miracle” even though I haven’t thought to ask.    And almost every time, the “God miracle” which shows up in my life is some sort of communication from a very precious dear someone whom I care deeply about and for whom I have been praying. 

Today’s “God miracle” which showed up in my life:   in our email inbox we received a letter from our Compassion daughter!   The very same Compassion daughter whom we were informed (back at the end of October) had graduated from the program, and whom I never thought I would hear from again (this side of heaven). 

But there … a letter from her … letting us know she is well. 

Wow!!    I don’t know how that happened!!    It was truly a “God miracle”!    I have been missing her and praying so much for her!  And God sent us a letter from her!!   My heart was so encouraged!  My faith was strengthened!  I really needed that!  Today. 

It was a “God miracle” especially for me!  Just like Shua’s healing, and Barnaby’s healing. 

God knows your need.   Yours.   And God wants to meet your need. 

Even though you might feel like your need isn’t all that important … God wants to meet your need. 

Even when you don’t realize you have a need … God wants to meet your need. 

Even when it doesn’t occur to you to ask … God wants to meet your need. 

God knows your need.  And God wants to meet your need.   
Thank you God! … for loving us and meeting our needs!