Three-times-tried Trail

Three-times-tried Trail

There is a hiking trail up near Mt. Baker which we have attempted three times. 

It all began in early Spring 2005.  We were out for a Saturday adventure and, stopping by the North Cascade Park Headquarters, we picked up a paper which listed the different hiking trails in the area.  Park Butte Trail noted that this hike led to a fire lookout tower.  Cool!  I’ve always wanted to go see a fire lookout tower!  Let’s do that trail! 

We headed up the forest service road … but the higher we climbed the icier the forest service road became.  Eventually we had to turn around. 

We determined to come back and do the hike again! 

Summer 2011 … once more back up the forest service road we bumped along, making it to the trailhead!  Whoo-Hoo!!  It was a gorgeous sunny day as we picnicked at the trailhead, then headed out on the hike.   We had only made it about 1/4th of the way when suddenly it dawned on us how warm the afternoon was, and we had not brought any water bottles with us on the hike.  So … we turned around. 

Spring 2015 … we’re going to accomplish the hike this time!  We arrived at the trailhead, and all was fog and low clouds, and a constant patter of rain.  Never mind … we’re doing this! 

We set out in the rain … making it all the way to a wide boulder expanse, which we picked our way across, and found the trail leading into the forest on the other side.  Shortly thereafter we came to yet another wide boulder expanse, this time with a swift river running through the middle and a rickety metal bridge set up across it. 

We made it across the river … then stood at a loss in the vast expanse of boulders stretching far before us.  Where was the trail??   We honestly could not see any trace of the trail leading through the remainder of the boulder field and into the woods. 

Eventually we determined that the trail was what had at first appeared to be a stream emptying into the boulder expanse.  We carefully picked our way up the “stream”/trail.  By now we had made it about 1/3 of the way and we had reached the base of what was going to be a very steep climb upwards. 

It was here that we weighed our options.  It was raining.  The clouds and fog were so low we wouldn’t be able to see anything anyway.  So, we turned around. 

And now we come to this summer … 2022.  Hubby and I were determined to complete the hike this time!  We were prepared, having read the trail description in both a hiking guidebook, as well as the Washington Trails Association app.  We knew what we were getting into this time! 

We arrived at the trailhead bright and early – 7:45am.   Only to discover that the trailhead parking lot was completely packed! … with cars lining the road ½ mile back.  We each took 4 bottles of water with us, and we set out! 

It was an uphill climb all the way! … with an elevation gain of 2,150’!   It’s no wonder we didn’t make it the other three times!  Overall, the total hike was 9 miles.  It was the most difficult hike hubby and I have ever done … but it was well worth it!  The views of Mt. Baker were stunning! 

When it comes to relationships, sometimes there are relationships in our life which are a lot like the “Three-times-tried Trail.”  We give it our best effort … but wow! … the relationship seems impossible! 

Like the first attempt up the “Three-times-tried Trail”, the relationship is icy!  We can’t get any traction.  We just can’t seem to make any progress relationally.  Everything is so icy!  It is very discouraging. 

But … we won’t give up on the relationship.  We keep trying. 

Eventually, we feel like we are beginning to get somewhere in the relationship … like the second attempt at the “Three-times-tried Trail”, when we finally made it to the trailhead.  Whoo-Hoo!  We might be getting somewhere this time. 

But all too soon we realize there is not enough “water” to keep the relationship going.  Life is hot and the journey is going to be long and hard … and there is no “water” being poured into the relationship to sustain it. 

But we won’t give up. 
We keep trying at the relationship. 

The third attempt on the “Three-times-tried Trail” led us to a vast boulder area where the trail was lost.  Likewise, this is where we wind up relationally as well.  The relationship is on such rocky ground!  The fog is low … the rain is falling … the river is rushing!  Where do we even go from here!  How do we make this relationship work??  Is there any hope for this relationship?? 

Don’t give up hope!  There is always hope!  Keep trying! 

Hubby and I made it to the lookout this time!  It was an uphill climb all the way!  It was hard!  In the same way, impossible relationships are an uphill climb all the way!  They are hard!  They are difficult!  But don’t give up.  Keep trying! 

Don’t abandon that relationship.  There is always hope!