This Moment In Time

This Moment In Time

This moment in time
is brief, it will pass;
for time has a way
of slipping by fast.

Yet as I ponder my list
of things to do,
I wonder how I’m going
to make it through.

The living room is cluttered
with toys all around.
The laundry basket holds
an ever-growing mound.

An array of crumbs
dot the kitchen floor.
And I need to make a trip
to the grocery store.

On the bed there’s a pile
of clothes to fold.
Both the shower and toilet
are growing mold.

I pause to glance
out the window and see,
both my front and back yard
are covered with weeds!

Oh how I would like
just a chance to rest,
but the kids’ constant fighting
puts my patience to the test.

I think ahead
to plan out this next year,
and am struck with how short
the kids will be here.

Each day the kids are changing;
they’re growing so fast.
Before I know it,
this moment in time will be past.

They’re trying to figure out
what life’s all about.
They’re becoming their own persons
and beginning to branch out.

They need guidance with wisdom;
freedom to fail;
opportunities to learn
how to do a job well.

They need hard times to teach them
to persevere.
They need to be around others,
without mom always near.

It’s hard to let go;
and give responsibility;
let them make their own choices
and be unique.

It’s exhausting to let them
do things on their own;
and work on character skills
they’ll need when they’re grown.

Parenting presents
so many decisions to make.
How do we know
which is the right path to take?

Our choices build on each other
as life unfolds;
shaping who we and our kids
will be down the road.

As I’m buried in housework
it helps to understand,
that this moment in time
will never come again.

I must press on, give my all,
and do my best;
for with this moment in time
I am truly blessed.

By: Amy Hayes