This is the way … Welcome!

This is the way … Welcome!

A long gravel driveway meanders through the woods, leading to mine and hubby’s home.  Just before reaching the house the driveway splits.   Which is the correct way to go??   It is not uncommon for cars and Amazon delivery vans to come down our driveway, reach the split, then sit there for a bit pondering which way to go. 

To help with the confusion, hubby constructed a “Welcome” sign with an arrow indicating the way to go. 

The curious thing is that cars still reach the split, sit there for a bit pondering, then choose to go the opposite way.  Inevitably, they have a hard time and get all turned around. 

In the same way, all of humanity is traveling down the road of life.  Ultimately the goal is to reach Heaven!  Paradise … where there is no sadness, no sickness, no disease, no pain … but rather happiness, joy, perfect health, peace, eternal life forever! 

How can we get to Heaven?  How do we know which way to go?  

Jesus came to show us the way.  This is the whole reason why we celebrate Christmas.  Because Jesus came from Heaven to earth, in order to show us the way to Heaven! 

Just like hubby set up a “Welcome” sign with an arrow pointing the way, so also Jesus himself is the arrow pointing which way to go.  Jesus is saying to everyone:  “Welcome!  This is the way!” 

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the father except through me.’”  – John 14:6 

“And this is the record, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in His Son [Jesus Christ].”  – 1 John 5:11 

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son [Jesus Christ], that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”  – John 3:16 

Jesus Christ is the way … Welcome!