There’s a reason God doesn’t tell us the future.

There’s a reason God doesn’t tell us the future.

Back in January when we were struggling with a debilitating illness which left someone very special bedridden for weeks  …  if we had known back then that we would be hosting a wedding in our backyard at the end of May, we would have panicked!   We would have told God – “There’s no way.  There’s no way I can do that.”  

And because we would have thought that, we would have believed it  …  and in turn, our belief would have caused that impossibility to play out in our lives.  

In February when we were coming to grips with a life-altering disease, and overwhelmed with the magnitude of it all  …  if we had known at that point that we would be hosting a wedding in our backyard in just a few months, we would have panicked!   We would have told God  –  “I can’t do that!  There’s no way I can do that!”  

And because we would have believed we couldn’t do it  …  our belief, in turn, would have caused that impossibility to play out in our lives.  

In April, when someone special’s rent renewal skyrocketed, forcing an immediate relocation move …  if we had known at that point that in just one month we would be hosting a wedding, we would have absolutely panicked!    We would have told God  –  “God, I can’t do that!  There’s no way!”   

And our belief would have impacted our reality!  

There is a reason God does not tell us the future of what He has planned for our lives!  

Psalm 139:16 – “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”  

God knows exactly what will happen in our life.   And God will give us exactly what we need for whatever we will face in life.  

Yet, we are not allowed to know the future.   We are asked to trust.  

Flat out trust.  

Therefore, when we find out 10 days in advance that a wedding will be taking place in our backyard  …  our only response that we have is flat out trust!   “God I trust you!    This is clearly your will.   God, I trust that you will give us the strength for what you have called us to.” 

When it also just so happens to be the one week out of the entire year that hubby is on-call for work, and that there is the very distinct possibility of hubby being paged-out at all hours of the night to work nasty escalation outages  …  our only response that we have is flat out trust!  

“God I trust you!”  

When it also just so happens to be the one week out of the entire year that employees are flown in from all over the world for important global company-wide meetings, requiring endless socializing events all week long  …  our only response that we have is flat out trust!  

“God, you’re going to have to get us through this!   God, you know we can’t do this!   God, you know we don’t have the strength for this.”  

Flat out trust!  

When it rains all week long leading up to the wedding …  and the weather forecast is calling for rain the day of the wedding  …  and it is going to be an outdoor wedding  …   

The only response we have is flat out trust:  “God I trust you!”  

When it rains all night long, the night before the wedding  …  “God I trust you!”  

When it rains the morning of, as the bridal party is showing up and the set-up crew is setting up  … “God I trust you!”  

When it rains all morning, during the wedding rehearsal  …  “God I trust you!”  

Then the rain stops.   There are even a few sun-breaks during photos!   Is that really a tiny patch of blue sky up there?!?  

The guests begin to arrive.   And the rain holds off.  

The wedding ceremony begins.   And the rain holds off.  

The wedding is absolutely beautiful!    And the rain holds off.

The guests move to the reception area on the side of the house.   And the rain holds off.   

Photos  …  photos  …  and more photos!   And the rain holds off.  

The send-off  …  and the rain holds off!  

The clean-up  …  and the rain holds off!  

Hubby and I collapse, exhausted, into bed at the end of a miracle-filled day  …  and rain begins to patter on the skylight above.    It rains all night!  

We woke up to rain this morning  …  heavy rain!    There’s no way we could have had a wedding in a downpour such as this!  

God asks us to trust!   Flat out trust!  

God knows that we could never handle the weight of knowing what the future has for us.   Yet, He is faithful!   He will carry us through whatever He calls us to!   He asks us to trust.  

Flat out trust!  

So we trust!   And we pray!   And we pray …  and we pray  …  and we pray!   And we trust!  

And others pray for us!   And we trust! 

God is faithful!   Every time!  

Thank you God that you do not give us more than we can ever bear.   Thank you God that you do not tell us in advance what the future holds  …  or else we would never be able to face it.  

Thank you God that we can trust you!    

Thank you God that you are faithful!  Every time!