The valley of the shadow of death …

The valley of the shadow of death …

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me;   Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”  – Psalm 23:4  

Have you ever had the overwhelming urge of how absolutely delicious it would be to allow yourself to hate “that particular person”?  

Your mind is flooded with every hurtful and annoying thing they have been doing, that’s absolutely driving you crazy!!!    Your mind is absolutely bombarded with all these thoughts!    Oh how absolutely delicious it would be to just let yourself go and to just hate them!  

This right here  …  this is the valley of the shadow of death.  

Logic tells you that you can’t hate them.    Logic tells you that it’s a trap.   

If you let yourself go and allow yourself to hate them, you will be trapping your own self in a dark evil prison of bitterness.    God cannot bless you in that place.    God will not bless that kind of disobedience.    It will be death to your soul.    Death!  

The thoughts of all the hurt keep bombarding your mind  …  the delicious temptation keeps swirling right in front of you  …  what do you do??  

You combat Satan’s tempting thoughts in your mind by bombarding your mind with God’s Word.    That’s your sword!    That’s your weapon!  

For me, personally, the best way to bombard my mind with God’s Word is through music with Scripture-based lyrics.  

My current “repeat” song this morning is Phil Wickham’s new song:  Praise the Lord  

The lyrics are as follows:  

“Awaken my soul   
Arise and sing   
For all that my Savior has done for me  
Oh give Him your praise  
Worship His name  
All that I am  
Sing hallelujah  

Forever I’m free  
Forever I’m changed  
Forever my life defined by His grace   
With every step  
Every breath 
All that I am  
Sing hallelujah  

Oh my whole heart 
Oh my soul 
Let everything within me praise the Lord!  

Through the shadow  
Through the storm 
Let everything within me  
Praise the Lord.”  

The song states that with every breath  …  all that I am  …  with my whole heart  …  let everything within me praise the Lord!  

To be honest, this morning my every breath  …  all that I am  …  my whole heart  …  everything within me  has wanted to hate “that particular person.”  

And so  …  I have bombarded my mind with God’s truth!!    I have played these lyrics on repeat!!    Over and over and over!!         “with every breath  …  with all that I am  …  oh my whole heart  …  oh my soul  …  let everything within me  praise the Lord!!”  

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  – 2 Corinthians 10:5  

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me;   Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”  – Psalm 23:4  

Jesus, my good shepherd, places the crook of His rod gently around my little sheep neck, and He turns my head back toward the correct path of following Him.    My good shepherd takes his staff and gives my flank a tap on the back side to guide me back onto the correct path.   

Phil Wickham – Praise The Lord (Official Audio) – YouTube