The Unseen Realm

The Unseen Realm

A massive solar storm occurred around the beginning of May.   So large, in fact, that the resulting massive amount of radiation and solar winds hitting the Earth meant that we should be able to see the Aurora Borealis from where we live!    

I’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights!  

The Friday arrived when it was predicted that the solar winds would hit the Earth the strongest.   Hubby and I are typically ones to go to bed by 9pm, so the thought of staying up super late for the chance of trying to see something we might not actually be able to see after all  …   just the thought of missing out on valuable sleep for no reason seemed like a big sacrifice.  

But I’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights!  

And  …  it “just so happened” to be perfectly clear skies that night!  (which is somewhat of a miracle where we live!)  

And  …  that particular Friday night also “just so happened” to be Worship Night at church.   Hubby and I love going to Worship Nights at church.  Gathering together with hundreds upon hundreds of fellow Jesus-followers to sing our lungs out in praise of Jesus for several hours  …  it always leaves me energized and charged up!!  

So it was already 9pm as hubby and I were driving back home from Worship Night.     And we were both already energized and charged up from the terrific evening of praising Jesus!      And it was already getting dark.   Might as well stay up a little longer to try to see something we might not be able to see after all!  

If we’re going to see anything, then it must be dark outside.   So off went the front porch lights.   Off went the lights on the workshop.   Off went the lights on the car barn. 

But then, it became apparent that the faint, dimly glowing solar pathway lights needed to go off as well.   Hubby removed each of the dimly glowing lights and carried them into the workshop (where they continued to dimly glow through the windows).  

It was a very strange and unsettling feeling sitting out in front of our house in a completely dark forest!   I totally felt like bobcat bait!!   And cougar bait!  

It was hard to pay attention to the sky overhead, when I kept looking around for a bobcat which might be silently stealthily sneaking up on us.   I at least wanted enough forewarning to be able to yell!    So hubby and I kept up a lively conversation  …  just to let the bobcats know we were there and not completely unaware.  

Ok, so where do we look to see these colors in the sky??   I assume north.  

Our northern view was blocked by trees.   All we really had was the clear patch of sky directly overhead. 

We sat and chatted and gazed at the stars overhead and watched satellites floating across at impressive speeds.  

Ok …  so when are we supposed to see something??   All I see is dark sky and stars.  

Hubby commented:  “I think its going on, but we just can’t see it.”  

Surely not.  I don’t see anything at all.   I thought we were supposed to see vivid brilliant streaks of colors dancing and waving all over the sky  …  just like in all the photos.   

Oh wait a minute!   Was that a very faint streak of pale green just now??  

It was!   Sure enough  …  there are very faint streaks of pale green!   Yay!   Something is happening after all!   

I remembered that earlier in the day I had read something that said you can’t see the colors with your naked eye  …  but that your phone camera can pick them up.   Hubby headed inside to get his phone.  

He came back out a moment later, and when he pointed his phone camera up at the sky, we both were in utter awe!   This is what his phone picked up  …    

Is that not amazing!!    Absolutely beautiful!    Just like in all the photos we’ve seen!  

And yet neither of us could see any of that at all with our naked eye!  

Hubby continued to watch the dancing colors through his phone.   My phone was not as fancy as hubby’s, so my phone did not pick up the colors like his did.  

For a long time hubby and I gazed at the Aurora Borealis  …  I – being in total awe of the faint hints of color in the otherwise dark sky  …  and hubby – using his “magic lens” to see what was actually there.  

As I watched the very faint hints of green coming and going, I couldn’t help but think how much it was like the unseen realm!  

All around us are unseen spiritual forces!  

All around us are very powerful unseen spirit beings, surrounding us and waging war for humanity!  

We can’t see any of it!     But it’s there!   

2 Kings 6:14-17 –    

“Then the king sent horses and chariots and a strong force to the city of Dothan.  They went by night and surrounded the city.  When the servant of the man of God [Elisha] got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city.  ‘Oh, my lord, what shall we do?’ the servant asked.  ‘Don’t be afraid,’ the prophet answered.  ‘Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’”    

“And Elisha prayed, ‘O LORD, open his eyes so he may see.’  Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”  

There is a massive all-out war going on in the unseen realm!    We are surrounded on all sides by unseen spirit forces!   

They are there  …  right now!     All around us!   

But just like the Aurora Borealis, we can’t see it.