The start of an exciting new adventure!

The start of an exciting new adventure!

Hubby and I have decided to try our hand at growing wheat!

The natural response of everyone whom we have told is: “And why?? Don’t you realize it’s cold and rainy all the time in western Washington. Wheat won’t grow here.”

To which our natural reply is: “Why not?? You never know until you try. It will be fun!”

Hubby in particular is beyond delighted in our attempt to grow wheat!

We watched a couple of YouTube videos about how to grow wheat. Looks simple enough. We can do that.

One dude in particular, in San Diego, not only grew his own wheat but he had an entire YouTube video about making his own loaf of bread out of the wheat he had grown and milled into flour. That is the coolest thing ever! His video was highly entertaining! We both thoroughly enjoyed it! Right then and there we decided that we definitely want to try to do that!

Our bag of wheat! Won’t this be a fun adventure!

Here you can see our small plot of wheat in our garden the day after we sowed our wheat seed. We are setting our sights high! We have high hopes of being able to get 1 whole cup of flour out of this tiny patch of wheat! Haha! I’m thinking it will probably be more like 1/2 cup of flour … but hey, might as well aim for 1 whole cup!

Our wheat seed is sprouting!! Yay!! This photo was taken 5 days after sowing our seed. It’s amazing what a little water and sunshine can do!

Also, it’s a good thing the wheat started sprouting so fast, because the birds have now discovered our little wheat patch and they have been having an absolute “Hay-day!” with our wheat seed!

The topic of our attempt at growing wheat has made for great conversation at hubby’s work! Several of hubby’s co-workers grew up on vast farming acreage and the topic has prompted all kinds of fascinating stories about growing wheat for real (as well as soybeans, corn, etc…).

Did you know that combines are so sophisticated nowadays that you can sit back in air-conditioned comfort watching movies (while “driving” the combine) while the combine actually drives itself all around the field! Not only that … but combines are now so sophisticated that the machinery keeps track of which very specific sections of the field did not produce as well as other sections. And those particular sections of the field are given more fertilizer and nutrients to improve yield for the next growing season. Amazing!

Our attempt at growing wheat has been the source of great entertainment and lots of jovial humor among hubby and his coworkers.

For example, hubby’s co-workers asked ChatGPT to create an image of hubby harvesting our wheat. Since we live in the forest, yet at the same time close to the city, this is the image ChatGPT came up with. Hilarious!!! Absolutely hilarious!

I went out this morning to take an updated photo for you to see how our wheat is doing. Isn’t it beautiful! It actually looks like grass now! So exciting! Hubby and I can even see it from the house now! We both are having lots of fun with our exciting new adventure!

So what about you?

What is something new and adventurous that you have never done, but you have always wanted to try?

Why not let today be the day you decide to try your hand at doing that thing!

Will you know what you are doing? Not at all. Hubby and I have no idea what we are doing when it comes to growing wheat. In fact, the YouTuber in San Diego (whom we enjoyed watching so much) had no idea what he was doing either when he tried to grow wheat.

But you will never learn unless you try. And there is so much joy to be found in learning new things by trying something new!

If you have never thought about anything new and adventurous that you would like to try, why not take some time right now to ponder and to think about it. What is something new that you would enjoy doing? What is something new you would enjoy learning about?

You too could be standing at the start of an exciting new adventure!

What might that thing be for you??