The Same Family

The Same Family

These are each completely different seeds.  They produce completely different fruit.   Yet they are all part of the same family.  They are all “vine” plants.  (“Cucurbit” or “Cucurbitaceae” family)

From the left to the right:  pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini, cantaloupe.

Jesus said:  “I am the vine; you are the branches.”   – John 15:5

If we believe in Jesus Christ, if we love and follow Jesus, we are part of Jesus’s “Vine” family. 

But … some people might argue … in order to be in the same “family” all the seeds must be exactly the same!  There’s no way that someone who is different than me can be part of the same family.  Everyone must believe exactly as I do!  Everyone must be exactly the same.

Nevertheless, each of the seeds pictured are part of the “cucurbit” vine family.  So also, it is the same in Jesus’s “Vine” family.

This means there will be differences.  It is indeed possible to be part of Jesus’s “Vine” family and be a seed which looks slightly different than the seed next to you.  And as you love and follow Jesus, the growing structure of your faith-life will look slightly different than the plant next to you.

And when you produce fruit for God’s Kingdom … your fruit will look different than someone else’s fruit. 

Differences are ok.

People who love and follow Jesus don’t all have to be the exact same seed.  It’s ok to be a little tiny cucumber seed, producing cucumbers for Jesus.  It’s ok to be a melon seed, producing melons for Jesus. 

God made us all to produce different fruit for different purposes.  A summer cucumber salad would not taste right if raw pumpkin were used.  Likewise, pumpkin pie would not at all taste right if cooked cucumbers were used.

However …
To be sure, there are those who claim to be part of Jesus’s “Vine” family who are not.  For example:  the blackberry.  The blackberry might claim to be part of the “vine” family. 

Well … it does have a good point … it is a vine. 

But upon closer examination, the blackberry has a woody stem.  The “cucurbit” vine family does not.  The blackberry stems are covered with prickles, spines, and bristles.  The “cucurbit” vine family stems are not.  The blackberry produces fruit which is an aggregate of drupelets.  The “cucurbit” vine family does not.

The blackberry is not at all in the same family.  The blackberry is actually part of the “Rubus” or Rose family.

Matthew 3:7-10 has harsh words for those who claim to be part of God’s family but actually are not:  “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.  The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”   – Matthew 3:8, 10