The power of singing, together, out loud, in worship

The power of singing, together, out loud, in worship

Every Sunday hubby and I enjoy attending morning worship service at our church here locally. Then afterwards, we head home where we attend “second morning worship service” online with Prestonwood Baptist Church (in Dallas, Texas).

It never ceases to amaze me how, so often the worship songs which we have just sung in person with our local church here in the PNW “just so happen” to be the exact same worship songs which are being sung by the believers in church clear across the country, in Texas.

This happens a lot.

And I’m always in awe of this “coincidence.”

Our church here is currently going through a sermon series in the book of Revelation. We just started this series a little over a month ago, and each Sunday we have been looking at the messages to the different churches, in the opening chapters of Revelation.

The main focal point is that Jesus Christ is the one who the Church belongs to!

Jesus Christ – … “who holds the seven stars in His right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands” (Rev. 2:1) Jesus Christ holds the pastors/church leaders in His right hand; and Jesus Christ is walking among His churches. All churches. In all parts of the world.

This past Sunday, during morning worship, our worship team introduced a new worship song which they have just recently written. It was beautiful! And powerful! All about Jesus!

At the end of the song, it naturally flowed into the old hymn “Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.”

Later Sunday afternoon, as hubby and I were online worshiping with Prestonwood, lo and behold it “just so happened” that the worship leader led us into the old hymn “Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.”

This past Sunday morning, the main focal point of the worship songs we sang (all the songs that we sang) at our local church here in the PNW was trusting Jesus! No matter what! Jesus is faithful! And we can trust Him completely!

And lo and behold, it “just so happened” that the main focal point of the worship songs being sung this past Sunday morning by believers in Texas was … trusting Jesus! No matter what! Jesus is faithful! And we can trust Him completely!

The thought suddenly occurred to me: If the Church (all believers all across the world) belongs to Jesus … and Jesus is walking among all the different churches (all across the world) … then it would make perfect sense for the Holy Spirit (who is moving among the churches all across the world) to direct the different worship leaders of all the different churches to lead believers in singing the exact same songs!

Jesus is the head of the Church! And Jesus knows what His Church needs this next week!

Jesus knows the struggles and hardships His Church is going to face … globally! We are one Church … globally! And I personally think Jesus prepares and strengthens His Church (as one global body) each week specifically for what we are going to face. And I think a huge way this is done is through the worship songs we sing.

The worship songs which we sing together on Sunday stick in my head all week! There is something very profound and powerful about singing together, with other people, out loud. It’s different than simply listening to worship music on my headphones at home.

Whenever I sing together, with other people, out loud … those songs cement themselves in my mind and soul … so that those songs go with me all throughout my next week.

Those truths from those songs sustain me throughout my week. The words to those worship songs replay over and over in my head, and give me strength for what I face during the course of the week.

It is a mind-blowing and incredibly cool thought I am part of one Church … and that my pastor/worship leaders here in my local church, here in the PNW, are being guided and directed by the Holy Spirit to prepare, equip, and strengthen us for this next week. While at the exact same time, as one Church, the pastors/worship leaders of all the churches, all across the world, are being likewise guided and directed (in the same train of thought) by the same Holy Spirit to prepare, equip, and strengthen, in the same way, believers for this next week. And we don’t even know or realize it.

We are one Church.

So, as one Church, it makes sense that our worship each week mirrors each other.

(Two years ago, hubby and I had the incredible opportunity to attend Sunday morning worship at Prestonwood! It was a “bucket-list” dream for us!)