The power of presence

The power of presence

My son is a big fan of Strange Planet cartoons. And in turn, I too am a big fan of Strange Planet cartoons. What we both love so much about them is the witty clever play on words. For Christmas, my son gave me a Strange Planet day-by-day calendar. Each morning it’s always a highlight of the day getting to pull a page off and see what the new cartoon will be.

Here you can see a photo of yesterday’s cartoon. I found its timing to be a very meaningful “God blessing” … given by God specifically for me … since today is the Memorial service for someone very special.

Most of the time God’s blessings to us are happy joyful blessings. But I love that God also gives us blessings to comfort us when life is hard. Not only did this “God blessing” resonate deeply with me … but it made me smile!

Going hand-in-hand with the above cartoon, here is a quote I heard about 10 years ago, and which has been very impactful for me! I don’t know who said this quote, as I didn’t bother to wrote down the source. (my apologies)

So true!

Thank you God for blessings not only for the joyful happy times, but especially thank you for “God blessings” to comfort us when life is hard.