The Lord is my banner!

The Lord is my banner!

Recently hubby and I were given last-minute tickets to a Seahawks game.  Whoo-hoo! 

I have never been to a Seahawks game before.  It was an amazing experience to join in with thousands of fans all converging on the stadium!   Thousands of people … all decked out in 12-Fan gear!  Blue & green everywhere you looked!  Jerseys, ballcaps, beanies, toboggans, jackets, scarves!  We were 12’s! 

In through the entrance gate … and up the massive stairs … people everywhere!  Excitement was palpable!  We were 12’s … and this was our stadium! 

Hubby and I found our seats, and I sat in awe gazing out across the expansive stadium packed with fellow 12’s.  We were united … we were “family.”  In a current world where everyone is divided, about everything … here, we were all united.  It was incredible!

Game time drew near … anticipation was high!   The 12th Fan Flag was raised! … and the stadium roared to life with cheers of excitement!  Kickoff started the game. 

All across the stadium 12th Fan flags were proudly displayed.  For this brief 4-hour time period we were all united as one … under the “12” Banner!  We were 12’s!  We cheered as one.  When a play was close … we were all out of our seats and on our feet!  When we scored a touchdown, we all high-fived each other in celebration … no matter that we didn’t know each other … we were family … we were 12’s! 

And when it came to defense … our voices made a difference!  I have known the fact that the 12 Fans are the loudest in the NFL, causing the most defensive false-starts of any team.  It’s one thing to know this fact … it’s a completely different thing to actually be a part of it.  

Our voices, all combined together, made a difference!  We might be in the stands, but we mattered!  We could actually “participate” in the game!  With every false-start we contributed to, there was tremendous satisfaction! … and delight!  We mattered!  We could make a difference! 

The entire experience was, for me, a great picture of Jesus as our Banner. 

In a current world where everyone is divided, about everything … Christians are united under the banner of Jesus!  We are family!  Together we raise our hands in praise and worship … united under the banner of Jesus!  When we make offensive progress, pushing back the gates of hell, we are “out of our seats and on our feet” … united as one … under the banner of Jesus!  When we score a touchdown, and souls are saved as people come to saving faith in Christ … we rejoice and celebrate! … even if we don’t know each other … because we are family! 

We are Jesus-followers … united as one under the banner of Jesus! 

Jesus is our banner! 

Exodus 17:15 – “Moses built an altar and called it The LORD is my Banner (Yahweh-Nissi).” 

Isaiah 11:10 – “In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to Him, and His place of rest will be glorious.” 

Psalm 20:5 – “We will shout for joy when You are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.” 

John 12:32 – “But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.”