The Gift of Christmas … Love & Acceptance!

The Gift of Christmas … Love & Acceptance!

In today’s background photo you can see my Christmas cactus. 

I can hear what you’re thinking:  “Wait a minute! … that’s not a Christmas cactus!” 

Well … it is a cactus, is it not?  
Yes … yes, it is a cactus.  

And it is decorated for Christmas, is it not? 
Yes … yes, it is indeed decorated for Christmas. 

Then … it is therefore a “Christmas cactus.” 

I came across these tiny little Christmas-light ornaments as I was decorating this year, and they were perfect for the aloes.  I have found great joy and delight in the little aloe plants all decorated up for Christmas … probably because I can relate to these little Christmas aloes. 

Here you can see a photo of the actual Christmas cactus blooming.  Pretty … isn’t it! 

And when the sun shines on the Christmas cactus blooms, they sparkle with a sort of iridescence.  Stunning! 

When it comes to life, God has made some of us to be “Christmas cactuses” … with outgoing personalities, captivating, full of life & energy, etc. …    You can’t help but stop in wonder, and admire the Christmas cactus blooms!  They are amazing! 

And others of us, God has made to be aloe cactuses … aloes do not have showy, gorgeous, iridescent blooms.  That would be me.  I oftentimes feel like a little aloe next to the Christmas cactuses. 

Do you ever feel like you aren’t quite good enough?  You know that God has made you exactly the way He wants you to be.  You know God loves you just the way you are.  But it seems like, for everyone else, you just aren’t good enough.  This person expects you to be this way.  That person expects you to be that way. 

You try your hardest.  You try really hard to please this person and be what they want you to be.  It works, temporarily … you are accepted and “included” …  for the time being.  But then, that causes you to be shunned by the other person (or group), because you now aren’t what they want. 

Then life happens.  Life dumps a “snowstorm” all over everything … and you no longer have the bandwidth to be what everyone wants.  Now you aren’t good enough for anyone.  Those who once claimed to “care” no longer have anything to do with you … because you aren’t what they expect you to be. 

I love these little Christmas aloes because I oftentimes feel just like this … like I have to “decorate” myself up to in order to be “good enough.”  But God did not make aloes to be Christmas cactuses.  God made aloes to be aloes. 

Sure … aloes don’t have showy blooms.  But God made aloes with completely different, wonderful characteristics.  The leaves of the aloe are for healing … especially for sunburns.   

So also, in the same way, God has not made me to have lots of energy, with an exuberant, outgoing, dynamic personality (like a Christmas cactus).  But rather, God has made me to be an aloe … an encourager … to give healing words to those who are weary or discouraged. 

Isaiah 50:4 – “The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary.” 

Isaiah 35:3-4 – “Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say to those with fearful hearts, ‘Be strong, do not fear.” 

This Christmas Season, please do not feel like you have to be something you’re not  (like these little Christmas aloes) in order to be “good enough.”  God has made you special!  For a purpose! 

God loves you just as you are!  God accepts you just as you are!  It’s ok to be exactly who God has made you to be!