The Gift of Christmas

The Gift of Christmas

Hubby & I enjoy livestream watching the worship service of Prestonwood Baptist Church each Sunday morning, in addition to attending our own home church here in town.

Last Sunday, as the livestream began, the worship leader enthusiastically asked everyone:  “Have you seen the Gift of Christmas yet?” 

My immediate “blink” response was:  Yes!  Yes, I have seen the Gift of Christmas!! 

What I did not realize in the moment was that the worship leader was referring to Prestonwood’s epic live Christmas production!   While I, on the other hand, was thinking of the many Gifts of Christmas due to our recent epic snow-event! 

So … for today’s blog post I would like to share with you … The Gift of Christmas! 

The Gift of Christmas #1  –  Nature’s very own Christmas-ball ornament  …  a lone apple hanging from the apple tree, topped with a dollop of snow.  So festive, just outside my kitchen window, as I do the dishes each day.  Thank you God, for this Gift of Christmas! 

The Gift of Christmas #2  –  Icicles all along the back of the house.  Nature’s very own Christmas decorations for our house!  Thank you God, for this Gift of Christmas! 

The Gift of Christmas #3  –  A layer of snow gradually sliding off the workshop roof … and curving around in epic fashion! … resulting in the coolest “claw-like” icicles!  Wow!!  Thank you God, for this Gift of Christmas! 

The Gift of Christmas #4  –  Mini pinecone icicles!  Thank you God, for this Gift of Christmas! 

The Gift of Christmas #5  –  Air bubbles trapped inside an icicle.  Air … the very breath of life.   “The LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.”  – Genesis 2:7      We don’t even think about the air we breathe.  Air keeps us alive … and yet we don’t think twice about it.  But this Gift of Christmas … air … visible … trapped inside an icicle. 

Not only that … if you take a second look at this little icicle, it is encapsulating a bud … a tiny little bud of hope … for this tiny little bud will become next year’s growth and new life!    So also, we have hope!  Jesus came! … and so we too have the hope of new life!  And the hope of next year’s season of new spiritual growth!  Thank you God, for this Gift of Christmas! 

The Gift of Christmas #6  –  Deer tracks in the snow.   Thank you God, for this Gift of Christmas! 

The Gift of Christmas #7 – Little critter tracks in the snow.   My immediate “blink” reaction was that these tracks were from a bunny.  But then just as quick I thought:  No, bunnies hibernate during the winter … don’t they??  I don’t know.  I’ve never seen a bunny in the winter.   Perhaps these little tracks were from a squirrel or a small chipmunk.  I have heard both chattering in the forest.  And besides, the little burrow hole in the snow looks like it might better match a squirrel or chipmunk. 

What do you think?  What creature do you think made these tracks? 

Regardless of which little critter made these tracks … thank you God, for this Gift of Christmas! 

What about you??  Have you seen the Gift of Christmas this Season??