The 4-year-old Playroom

The 4-year-old Playroom

When my daughter was in high school, she and I volunteered together as childcare workers for our church’s MOPS program (Mothers of Preschoolers).   The room we were assigned to was the 4-year-old Playroom.  

I love working with 4-year-olds.   They are always so happy and enthusiastic  …  about everything!   They are curious about the world around them.   They are full of discovery  …  and imagination!  

Our time in the 4-year-old Playroom was every Tuesday morning from 9:00am – noon.    There were great toys in the playroom:   a Thomas-the-Tank train table,  magna-tiles with which to build cool stuff,  Legos, a play-kitchen with a varied assortment of play food, a large doll house with all the accessories, etc.  

We had snacks each week.   There were puzzles we could pull out.    A teepee we could set up for them to play in.    A small jungle-gym-slide we could set up.    My daughter and I loved working with our 4-year-olds.  

Each week, as the end of our time together drew near, our little kiddos could sense that it was almost time to go home.    They all looked forward with anticipation to their moms coming to pick them up. 

Then the moms started showing up.    All was great excitement!    One by one, the little kiddos heard their name called  …  and they got to leave the 4-year-old playroom  …  and go home!  

Those who were left behind were sad to see their playmates go.   They had been in the middle of pretending and playing together.    Then suddenly  …  their playmate was gone.   

Although it was sad to see their playmates go … to be honest, none of the 4-year-olds wanted to stay in the playroom forever.    Sure, it was fun for the brief time we were together each Tuesday morning.    But the place they really wanted to be was home!  

In the 4-year-old playroom we had snack of animal crackers  …  but at home  …  they had much better food to eat!   

In the playroom we had cool toys  …  but they were the exact same toys each week, which, to be honest, could get really boring after a while.    Whereas, at home, there was a big backyard!  …  with trees to climb!  …  and a swing set to play on!  …  and dirt to dig in!  …  and bikes to ride!  …  and Dad & Mom would take them to the beach!  …  to play in the sand!  …  and build drift-wood forts to play in!  …  etc. etc. etc.   

Home is so much better than the 4-year-old playroom!   

When we think about a terminal diagnosis of cancer, it is very heavy overwhelming news!    The thought that someone very special is about to leave  …  it is heartbreaking  …  and overwhelmingly sad!   

It is like we are all the little 4-years-olds in the playroom together.    Our brief time on earth is like that of the brief time of MOPS every Tuesday.    We are only on this earth for a brief time.   

And just like the 4-year-old playroom had wonderful things to enjoy  …  so also, this world we live in has wonderful things to enjoy!   

There are fabulously tasty foods to eat!  …  and delicious meals to enjoy!    There are amazing places to visit!    There are breathtaking vistas, and awe-inspiring views!  

There are people whom we love very much!    Just like the little 4-year-olds loved all their friends whom they played together with each Tuesday.   

But none of us are meant to stay on this earth forever.    Just like the little 4-year-olds were not meant to stay in the playroom forever.    This earth is not our forever home.    We are only here for a brief period of time  …  then our Father will come to pick us up.  

Just like the 4-year-olds looked forward with excited anticipation to their moms coming to pick them up and take them home  …  so also, we look forward with excited anticipation to God our Father coming to pick us up and take us to our amazing forever home in Heaven!    

But it’s not fun for those who are left behind.    It’s sad!    The loss is overwhelming!!    There is heartache!!    We miss them!  

But we get to go too!    We won’t be left in the 4-year-old playroom forever.    It’s just a matter of time and our name will be called!    We’ll get to jump up from the toys we’re playing with, and run over to our loving Father’s arms!   

God will swoop us up in His loving arms and give us a big hug!    He’ll sign us out of the 4-year-old playroom  …  and He’ll take us home!   

Home!  …  with the best food ever!  …  and a big backyard where we can run and play!  …  and a swing  …  and trees we can climb!  …  and everyone we love will be there!!  

As we are stuck in the 4-year-old playroom right now  …  seeing those whom we love have their names called  …  hang in there!    It’s just a matter of time  …  and our name will be called too!    And we’ll get to go home!    And we’ll see them again!    Forever!