Thank you God for colors!

Thank you God for colors!

I woke up this morning, and came through the house to the kitchen to fix breakfast. Outside my windows the whole world was an intense, vibrant green! A green so intense it almost made my eyes hurt.

The leaves have finally come out on the trees … the pale green of the Big Leaf Maple leaves blending together in amongst the deep shades of evergreen of the cedars and firs. The whole world is a mixture of every shade of green imaginable. I couldn’t help but think of the argument my sister and I would have with each other when we were little girls.

My sister’s favorite color, when she was young, was blue. My favorite color, when I was young, was green (the green from my Crayola crayon box). My sister and I would often argue about whether or not there was more green in the world, or more blue in the world.

Every time we would go somewhere in the car, I would point out the car window and tell my sister: “See! There is more green in the world!” My sister would respond by pointing up at the sky and telling me: “No! There is more blue in the world!”

At the time, neither my sister nor I had traveled very far beyond our city, let alone traveling beyond our state. We had no idea of the topography of the world. Neither one of us realized that oceans make up most of our beautiful blue planet. My sister was right all along. There is for sure more blue in the world!

As I was pondering these things this morning, I was suddenly aware of God’s sense of humor … He chose to place me here, in this very place, where the whole world outside my windows is an intense, vibrant shade of green! (touché … after I had argued my whole childhood about there being more green in the world.) I think God’s sense of humor is hilarious!

But as I was pondering these things, I also couldn’t help but be overcome with gratitude for all the colors God has blessed us with! God didn’t have to create colors. God could have made our world with no color at all … perhaps everything browns (such as the 3-hour movie I recently watched … the cinematography was excellent, but after 3-hours of nothing but browns and grey color-scheme I was very weary of it all!).

I am so thankful God gave us a beautiful colorful world to live in! I am so thankful for eyes to be able to see the colors! Thank you God for colors!

Thank you God for purple!

Thank you God for white! (and yes, I know color connoisseurs will say “white” is technically not a color … but I’m thankful for it anyway!)

Thank you God for pink!

Thank you God for red!

Thank you God for yellow!

Thank you God for orange!

And yes … thank you God for blue! Thank you God for our beautiful blue planet! Thank you God for colors!