Tapestry of Life

Tapestry of Life

As a tapestry is fashioned by the weaver’s hand,
So Life is a working of God’s Sovereign Plan.

It’s a beautiful pattern; a complex design;
Purposed before the beginning of time.

Our lives each are threads in the Weaver’s hand.
We’re small parts woven into His master plan.

As we yield to His touch, the pattern takes shape;
A beautiful image of His mercy and grace.

Yet sometimes as threads we may stubbornly refuse
To surrender to the Weaver to take and use.

But the Weaver is a master at turning our failures
Into triumphs that make the pattern look even better.

All people are threads.  Each one has a place;
No matter their country, their culture, or race.

An array of all sizes and varying hues;
Woven together from a heavenly view.

We’re strengthened by the many different threads that we touch.
We learn valuable lessons from threads that are rough.

We’re woven through dark spots when we feel lost from sight.
But we realize the darkness brings out the highlights.

As we’re woven each day, our threads intersect
With many new threads that we’ve never met.

We smile, build a friendship, or lend a listening ear;
Sharing with other’s God’s love and care.

Some threads we cross once and never again see.
But an impact was made for eternity.

Other threads are constant; always around;
Holding us up whenever we are down.

The commonplace weaving that comprises each day
Often seems insignificant along the way.

However as threads cross and come back again,
There are glimpses of God’s all-encompassing plan.

This ‘Tapestry of Life’ from the Weaver’s hand
Will continue until time comes to an end.

The final design will be for all to see,
Displayed throughout eternity.

With this view in mind, we must do our part;
Serving our Master with all of our heart.

For our threads have an impact in the overall design,
As we live for Christ and let His light shine.

By:  Amy Hayes