Surprise Blessings … at the end of May!

Surprise Blessings … at the end of May!

“Surprise blessings” don’t always have to be in the dirt.

Sometimes God gives us a “surprise blessing” when we’re shopping! Haha!

Here you can see the “surprise blessing” God gave me last weekend! I was actually shopping for a birthday gift for someone special … and lo and behold, I discovered this wonderful “surprise blessing” waiting right there in the store for me! How cool is that! I was delighted! Isn’t it awesome!

Thank you God, for your “surprise blessing” just for me!

We have a baby everyone! I woke up this morning with a notice from the driveway Ring camera … from midnight last night. So I took a look … and lo and behold! … the mama deer had her baby!! How exciting is that!!

Here you can see our very first glimpse of the tiny little baby! The mama deer is to the far right of the photo … and trailing a few paces behind her, you can see the tiny little baby in the center of the photo!

Thank you God for tiny baby deer!! What an incredibly special “surprise blessing!”

Please God, protect the baby deer!! … from the coyote, bobcat, and cougar.

I was just thinking … when it comes to our Christian life, sometimes it’s in our darkest of nights and our darkest seasons when God gives us the most special blessings.

I was in awe of this little “bug blessing” on my front porch. Check out how the lines on the back of this little bug so perfectly match the lines of the wood on my front porch. Incredible!

How did this little bug know that the lines on its back would blend together so perfectly with the lines of my front porch for camouflage?? Only God! Only God could do that!

Thank you God for your loving care over every little detail of life!

And I just had to end with a blessing in the dirt … a little snail camouflaged in the weeds … enjoying its breakfast, as I was enjoying my morning walk of loops around the front drive.

Thank you God for all your many blessings to us each day!

We love you God!