Surprise Blessings – 4.0

Surprise Blessings – 4.0

I walked out of my front door last night, and started to head over to the workshop  …  when there, sitting silent and still on the gravel drive, was a bunny!    Isn’t it’s camouflage amazing!    It totally blends right in to the gravel background.   If you weren’t paying attention you would walk right past it and not even see it. 

The bunny’s camouflage not only makes it “invisible” on the gravel drive, but it would be every bit as “invisible” on the brown bark-chips of the flowerbed.   And it would likewise be every bit as “invisible” in the underbrush of the forest. 

God’s incredible design for the bunny’s camouflage is mind-blowing to me.   

I couldn’t help but stop and gaze at the bunny for a few moments  …  in awe and wonder of the beautiful creature God had made.    And in awe and wonder of the way God patterned and designed this little bunny so that it would be protected and blend in.  

Thank you God for the beautiful creatures You have made!   
Thank you God for the incredible way you provide protection for Your creatures … even the little ones! 
Thank you God for the incredible way you provide protection for me! 

Also last night, as I was heading over to the workshop, I noticed a brand-new flower blooming in the front flowerbed.    This plant was given to hubby two years ago by his co-worker (who is a horticultural lover).    I do not know the name of this plant, but this is the very first time it has ever bloomed.   Isn’t it beautiful!!  

Once again I was in awe of God’s wonderful creation!   Thank you God for this amazing, intricately complex and creatively designed little flower!  

The sun was setting  … and as it did so, it was shining a brilliant shaft of light through the forest, and catching the top of the distant gooseberry bush in a bright golden glow!    It has been so long since I have seen the sun.    It was beautiful!   Especially the way it highlighted the brand-new baby-green leaves of the plant.  

Thank you God for the life-giving brilliance of the sun!  
Thank you God for brand-new baby-green leaves coming out on all the trees! 

Thank you God for all the new life and new growth of this wonderful new season!