Surprise Blessings – 3.0

Surprise Blessings – 3.0

Ta-Da!!   The trillium bloom has opened up!  Isn’t it beautiful! 

To be honest, this really wasn’t an “Easter-egg” surprise blessing … I’ve been watching the bloom for a couple of days, waiting to see if the deer would eat it off, or if it would open up.   So exciting!  

The cool thing about trillium blooms is that when they first open up, they are white, but as the bloom ages and reaches the end of its “life” the petals turn purple.   Cool, huh!  

Yesterday I came across an “Easter-egg” surprise blessing of yet another brand-new variety of mushroom which I have never seen before.   It doesn’t really look it in the photo, but it is bright orange in color.   At first glance, with its shiny appearance, it seemed as if it was made of plastic or something like that.  

So cool!  There were 4 or 5 other little babies of this variety starting to peek their heads up through the dirt nearby.  Here’s another photo just for fun!  

I was pulling fallen branches out of the forest yesterday afternoon when I came across a whole sea of bleeding-heart wildflowers.  You can see them here.   

I love bleeding-heart flowers!    I’m not sure how these came to be here.  They weren’t here last year.  And they are so prolific!    My “blink” reaction was that the seeds must have been deposited here in deer poop … and the seeds then sprouted and became this beautiful sea of wildflowers.  

For a fleeting second I had the thought of writing a blog post entitled:  “Blessings in the poop.”    Then decided I’d probably better not.  (Ha!)    Besides, I wasn’t 100% confident the seeds had actually been deposited here in deep poop  (though the deer do traverse this area frequently).  

The thing is, you never think about anything good coming from poop.   But in actuality, there are lots of different seeds which are dispersed in just this way.  

So also, in life, we never think that anything good could come from the “poop” we have to deal with.  And each of us have to deal with a lot of it each day!    But just as God can bring beautiful flowers from the seeds in deer poop … so also God can bring beautiful things out of the “seeds” hidden in the “poop” we have to deal with in our everyday lives.  

The “poop” serves a purpose. 

We might not like it … but it serves a purpose nonetheless.  

We might not see the purpose.   The “good” might be completely hidden to us.  But God’s good purposes are often just that way … hidden.  

We have to trust God.    Period.   
God is working all things together for good  …  even the “poopy” things. 

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”  – Romans 8:28  

Thank you God, for “Easter-egg” surprise blessings hidden in the normal, ordinary, every-day.