“Surprise Blessing” Update

“Surprise Blessing”  Update

Yesterday, I mentioned discovering the Mushroom Breakfast Buffet as I went out to spread bark chips in the front flowerbed.  I thought you might enjoy an update on the different “Surprise Blessings” from the past couple of weeks. 

Bark Chips! 

Here you can see the front flowerbed where I spread the entire load of free “Surprise Blessing” bark chips.    I am so delighted with how it turned out!  

As you can tell, I used the bark chips to create a “hill” of sorts.   The gravel parking area on the left side of the photo is higher in elevation than the ground on the right side of the photo.   Before the bark chips, the ground just sloped directly from the upper gravel parking area down to the right. 

This specific area is a forest-animal thoroughfare across our property.  The deer, bobcat, coyote, and bear all regularly traverse our property from the left side of this photo across to the right side of the photo.    

On route, the bear has been known to take the opportunity for a good back scratch against our poor little Norwegian Spruce tree … to the point of breaking the entire top half of the little tree off.    Sadness. 

Most people typically avoid anything which requires extra effort.   We do this subconsciously.  If we come across something in our path, we will inadvertently go around it, rather than taking the effort to climb over it. 

My hope is that the forest animals have the same tendency.   By creating a “hill” in the flowerbed, there is now a less-than-ideal path through the flowerbed.   It will now require additional effort to cross that way and climb down (or up) the “hill.”   

Hence, the hope is that this newly-built-up  bark chip “hill” will encourage the animals to go around.  And by going around, hopefully it will save the poor little Norwegian Spruce from another bear back-scratch. 

Hence, why the free load of bark chips was such a blessing!  

Thank you God for the bark chip blessing!

Yellow mystery flower! 

I mentioned a few blog posts ago about a pretty little yellow flower coming up in our front flowerbed, which has bloomed for the very first time this year!   Hubby’s coworker gave him this plant two years ago;  however I cannot remember the name of it. 

Here is an updated photo of this pretty little yellow flower.   Lo and behold, it curls its petals up and around to the back  …  almost like a floral ballerina.  

What a delicate and graceful little yellow flower!    (I’m thinking this little flower is in the lily family?) 

Trillium bloom!  

The 5 girl-pack of deer showed back up again this week.   (I guess the cougar must no longer be a threat anymore)    Just like typical girls, they’ve been nipping and picking at each other.    

My immediate “blink” reaction was to hurry out to see if the trillium bloom was still there.   It is!   Yay! 

Here you can see it!   And this is even after the deer spent a good long time munching in this vicinity.   Yay for trillium!  

What about you?    What “Surprise Blessings” has God given you recently?