

We all know someone
in our own private sphere
of whom we think:
“That’s a Superhero there!”

They have amazing energy
of which we only ever dream.
They can conquer and keep up
with a million different things.

They are full of charisma;
they are good-looking too.
They always seem to know
the perfect things to say and do.

We feel like a nobody
in our own tiny role.
Superhero status
becomes our aim and goal.

We find a striking ‘costume.’
We hide behind a ‘mask.’
We dish out ‘perfect answers’
to anything we are asked.

We trick ourselves into believing
we are a Superhero thrill.
But underneath it all
we are not being real.

Many people see us
in our ‘costume’ and ‘cape,’
and they can’t help but assume
we must be something great.

After years of pretending
to be someone whom we’re not,
we forget who we really are …
because our own lies we have bought.

We’ve worn the mask so long …
it’s what everyone wants to see.
But we no longer have a clue
who we actually were made to be.

None of us are Superheroes
no matter what we think.
We all have limitations,
and areas where we are weak.

It’s time we stop pretending
to be perfect all around.
It’s time that we be honest
about who we are deep down.

Real, true Superheroes
don’t need a mask or cape
in order to make a difference
and to do things that are great.

So put away the ‘mask.’
Leave the fakeness behind.
Go out and meet real needs –
whatever ones you find.

There won’t be photos snapped
with admirers while you pose.
Nor will you receive affirmation
from ones with a stuck-up nose.

In unsuspecting places
you’ll find the hurting and the weak.
And most of the time,
of their needs they will not speak.

Even though they might be silent
about the pain they’re going through,
that doesn’t mean there isn’t
anything that you can do.

Fine tune your awareness …
be observant to their pain.
Take action and reach out to them …
even if there’s nothing to be gained.

More likely than not,
you too will be weak one day,
and you’ll be so very thankful
when a Superhero comes your way.

We all have Superhero powers –
different talents we possess.
And just because yours isn’t theirs
doesn’t make you any less.

So it’s time to stop pretending
to be like a Superhero whom you know.
Be your own Superhero
in your own special role!

By: Amy Hayes