Sunday Surprise Blessing

Sunday Surprise Blessing

Sunday afternoon hubby and I needed to run out real quick to drop a letter off at the Post Office, then stop by Costco for gas. We had just finished our stop at the Post Office and were pulling out of the parking lot when the Ring notification went off on my phone. I didn’t think anything of it. It’s probably the deer. We hadn’t ordered anything from Amazon, so there was no reason for a delivery person to be showing up.

I didn’t bother to look at my phone, but 4 minutes later, as we were pulling into the Costco parking lot the Front Door Ring notification went off on my phone. That’s strange … usually the deer don’t set both Ring devices off in such a short time span.

As hubby was pumping the gas, I took a look at my phone. It wasn’t the deer at all … it was the bear! How exciting!

The bear was obviously hungry after its long winter nap, and was prowling around most likely in search of some garbage which someone might have accidentally left out.

The bear walked right up to our front porch steps, paused, looking up at the front door as if pondering whether or not to go up on the porch … then it turned and continued on its way.

I was beyond delighted! The bear stopped right at my front door! How exciting! What a cool Sunday surprise blessing!

Thank you God for surprise blessings to remind us of Your love!
Thank you God for our special Sunday blessing!