Sunday stroll through a swamp

Sunday stroll through a swamp

This morning, after Sunday morning worship service, hubby and I had the most delightful picnic brunch with our son and daughter-in-law, at a local park. We feasted on frappuccino’s and breakfast sandwiches, donuts and fresh fruit. It was so much fun! My soul was nourished! What an amazing blessing! … being able to spend time together with our precious family whom we deeply love!

Thank you God for Sunday picnic brunch blessings!

After chatting and feasting, we decided to take a stroll on the nature boardwalk through the swampy wetlands.

The boardwalk in the photo might look stable, but it was actually floating in water … so it bobbed and dipped as we walked along. Spiritual application: When life feels like a “swamp” … when life is mucky and muddy and boggy, and tries to suck us in and trap us in a quagmire, Jesus is our boardwalk! Jesus is the firm solid footing to give us access over, across, and through the “swamp” of life … to the other side.

Thank you God for swamp-strolling lesson blessings!

Cattails! Pretty!

Thank you God for Sunday swamp-strolling blessings!

I discovered a brand-new plant species: Seep Monkeyflower. Isn’t it beautiful! These pretty yellow flowers were sprinkled here and there all throughout the swamp grasses as we walked along the boardwalk.

I paused to take a photo, and as I was standing there mentioning to hubby how I wished I knew what these pretty yellow flowers were called, right at that very moment a couple walked by, and the lady stopped to let me know the name. Wasn’t that the kindest thing ever!

Thank you God for swamp-strolling blessings!

We spotted a little swamp frog! Can you see it? It’s amazing how it’s back half blends in perfectly with the mud!

In case you couldn’t spot it in the above photo, here’s a zoomed-in view.

Thank you God for swamp-strolling blessings!

It’s Common Jewelweed! These were also sprinkled here and there amidst the swamp grasses, throughout our journey across the boardwalk.

Thank you God for swamp-strolling blessings!

Thank you Jesus that you have provided a firm solid footing for us as we traverse life, which feels so swampy and muddy and boggy! Thank you Jesus that you cut a clear path through the tall swamp grasses of life, which otherwise would choke in around us and leave us lost and confused, not knowing which way to go in this “swamp” of life. Thank you Jesus for cutting a clear path for us to follow!

Thank you God for providing blessings for us each day as we traverse this “swamp” of life. Thank you God for blessings all along the way!