Summer Joys – summer critters!

Summer Joys  –  summer critters!

This little lizard lives around the entrance to the workshop. Whenever it’s sunny, the area around the entrance to the workshop is nice & warm … and this little lizard enjoys resting up on top of the door. Hubby and I have learned to be careful whenever we open the door to go into the workshop, because on a number of occasions the little lizard has fallen and almost landed on our heads!

The little lizard looks big in the photo, but it’s actually quite small. Isn’t it amazing how it’s camouflage perfectly matches the wood of the floor and of the door threshold. Thank you God for summer joys! Thank you God for summer critters!

I was amazed at this little frog resting on the blackberry leaves. The blackberry leaves are thin and flimsy. Yet this little frog deftly hopped from leaf to leaf … and the thin, flimsy leaves perfectly supported it! I was in awe.

Thank you God for summer joys! Thank you God for summer critters!

I came across this little grasshopper, along with a second grasshopper friend, out on the back deck. I was delighted in the discovery! It’s not often I see a grasshopper.

The funny thing is, that exact same day my daughter wound up getting one of these little guys into her home. She texted me: “One tiny grasshopper made it into my house, and I have a whole new appreciation for that plague.” (referring to the plagues in Exodus chapter 10)

I agree with my daughter! As fun as it was to discover this little guy out on the back deck, I would not want it in my house!

Our pastor is currently preaching through a 4-week sermon series on the Old Testament book of Joel. The book of Joel is the message of God’s prophet to the people after a terrible plague of locust had just ravaged their land!

The plague of locust was a warning from God for the people to repent! If you think this devastation from the locust is bad, the end of the world (“The Day of the Lord”) is going to be so much worse!!

“Let all who live in the land tremble, for the Day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand – a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness.” – Joel 2:1-2

“The Day of the LORD is great; it is dreadful. Who can endure it? ‘Even now,’ declares the LORD, ‘return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.’ Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.” – Joel 2:11-13

“The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful Day of the LORD. And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.” – Joel 2:31-32

I was captivated watching this mama duck and her 10 little duck babies swimming upstream against the mighty current of the Yakima River!

The river current was so swift that the mama duck and her little duck babies were having to flap their wings and half-fly in their effort to swim upstream against the current!

This is what it feels like living in our world today! Culture is swiftly rushing downstream in a powerful flow of evil, vice, and wickedness! To live for Jesus, it feels like we are “flapping our wings for all we’re worth” and we’re having to “half-fly” in our effort to “swim upstream” against the current!

But the mama duck and her babies were making progress! They were getting where they needed to go! It took a lot of effort … but they were getting there! So inspiring!

Thank you God for summer joys!

Thank you God for summer critters!

Thank you God for the awe and wonder of discovering your amazing creatures!

Thank you God for the lessons we can learn from them!