Summer blessings!

Summer blessings!

This past week our temperatures jumped up to the mid-90’s for several days. I began to worry about the bunnies. (Hubby and I suspect someone in our neighborhood might have taken care of the pack of coyotes which has been ruling the neighborhood … because there are actually a couple of bunnies around this year! Yay! There is a parent bunny and a smaller adolescent bunny. Exciting!)

In the 90-degrees, I worried that the bunnies might not have enough water. They obviously can’t reach the birdbaths … so, I set a pan of water close by for the bunnies to have some water too.

It has brought me so much joy to watch the bunnies this week! Thank you God for summer blessings!

Corn on the cob! Just had to include this! What says “summer” like fresh corn on the cob!

Thank you God for summer blessings!

Yesterday evening hubby and I took a walk around the neighborhood before dinner. We wound up meeting some of our neighbors whom we had not met before. They are wonderful people! We had the most delightful conversation with them for almost an hour!

Thank you God for wonderful neighbors & the gift of friendship! Thank you God for summer blessings!

As hubby and I were finishing up our evening walk and just about home again, I noticed this little garden snake. Check it out … it’s not blue-striped … it’s red-striped! How cool is that! All of the little garden snakes in our forest are only ever blue-striped. It sort of looks like this type of garden snake might be able to change its stripe color to match its surroundings. And a red-stripe does blend in better with weedy grass.

Thank you God for all the wonderful creatures You have made! Thank you God for summer blessings!

Arriving back at home after our evening walk, I noticed a new wildflower just beginning to bloom. This is the very first one! Isn’t it pretty!

Thank you God for summer blessings!

What about you? What summer blessings has God given you?