Stones to throw … or stones to pave with

Stones to throw … or stones to pave with

Here you can see a corner of the back yard where I attempted to grow sunflowers last year.  The sunflowers did not do well … as you can probably guess just by looking at the ground.  This area is full of rocks and stones. 

What to do with the stones?? 

I decided to use the stones to pave a pathway over to where a gateway connects our yard with our neighbor’s.  This corner of the yard is the same area where I planted all the wonderful “Iris blessings” given to us by our sweet neighbor down the street.  This area also just recently had several lilacs planted here, lilacs which we discovered quite by chance in an overgrown corner. 

This corner of the back yard has a lot of potential!  Given time, it will one day be filled with beauty and blooms! 

But … as you can see from the photo … it is still a work in progress.  It has a long way to go. 

A relationship is like a garden. 

When it comes to cultivating a relationship, there will inevitably be “stones” which are “unearthed” as the relationship develops … character weaknesses brought to light, mistakes which are “unearthed,” obnoxious tendencies coming to the surface. What to do with the “stones”??  The immediate reaction might be to “throw the stones” at the other person … especially in moments of heated conflict and disagreement! 

However, “throwing stones” in a relationship never helps the relationship. 

Just like the stony corner of my back yard has a lot of potential for becoming a beautiful garden space, so also there is a lot of potential for any relationship!  It just takes time … and a lot of hard work! 

“Stones” which are “unearthed” in a relationship will require time and a lot of hard work … for the issues to be dealt with and worked through.

Don’t “throw stones” … “throwing stones” will only wound … and cause hurt & pain within the relationship.

Instead, use those stones to “pave a pathway,” as together you work hard to cultivate a beautiful relational garden.