Slippery steps to the party!

Slippery steps to the party!

Yesterday evening hubby and I hosted a Birthday party at our home for our daughter’s best friend!  

All day yesterday everything was frosty-white outside and bitterly cold.   Whenever our front porch steps frost over they become treacherously slippery!    

The temperature was dropping down towards the upper 20’s as the time drew near for the party guests to arrive.    For the safety of the arriving party guests, hubby sprinkled de-icer granules all over the front porch steps.  

Seeing the de-icer granules all over the front porch steps, I couldn’t help but think of Jesus’s words:  “You are the salt of the earth.”  – Matthew 5:13  

I don’t know what chemical components make up the de-icer granules, but salt does the same thing.   Salt melts ice on sidewalks, roadways, and steps.   And the thought popped into my mind how life itself is like a journey along an icy, treacherously slippery path!  

We each are born into this world with a sin nature – meaning: a natural inclination to do what is wrong.   None of us are naturally good.   None of us naturally seek after God.     “There is no one righteous, not even one;  there is no one who seeks God.  …  There is no one who does good, not even one.”  – Romans 3:10-12  

So right from the start we are on slippery footing!  

Not only that, Satan and the unseen demonic powers roam constantly throughout the world trying to make us stumble and slip into sin!     “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”  – 1 Peter 5:8  

The Bible describes our slippery situation this way:   “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air [Satan], the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. 

“All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts.  Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath.”  – Ephesians 2:1-3  

When we slip on icy stairs, we fall, break bones, and damage ourselves.   In the same way, when we slip in sin along the icy, slippery journey through life we likewise fall, we “break” our life, and we damage ourselves & our relationships with others.  

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  – Romans 3:23  

“The way of the wicked is like deep darkness;  they do not know what makes them stumble.”  – Proverbs 4:19  

But the good news is  –  there is de-icer on the path!  
There is de-icer on the stairs!  

Along life’s icy, slippery journey there is de-icer, so that our footing can be sure!   Jesus Christ is our de-icer!    Jesus is God.   Jesus left Heaven and came down to earth to take care of the icy, slippery sinful situation!   There is no way we could do anything about it.   But Jesus has all power!   Only Jesus can melt the icy slipperiness of sin!  

If we acknowledge to Jesus that yes, indeed, we are on an icy, slippery path of sin, headed towards destruction and harm – yes, we are indeed a sinner – and if we ask Jesus to please come take our sin away  …  He will!   Jesus is that awesome!  

Jesus will take away our sinful nature (our natural desires to do bad things)  …  and Jesus will give us a brand-new nature deep inside our soul!   Jesus will give us new desires to do what is right!   Jesus will give us a new kind of love like we’ve never had before!   Jesus will fill us with His very presence.  

Jesus will de-ice life’s path for us so we can follow Him in ways which are right.  

Just like the stairs up to the front door of mine and hubby’s home were de-iced so that joyful partygoers had safe passage into the party  …  so also, Jesus de-ices the path we are travelling so we can have safe passage into the great party which is Heaven!  

Heaven is a party!   A joyful party full of laughter and celebration!  

*  There will be warmth in Heaven  –  just like the welcoming warmth of our cozy home last night, as partygoers came in from out of the cold.  

*  There will be gifts in Heaven  –  Jesus will reward those who follow him with gifts when we get to Heaven.  It’s going to be awesome!  (see Revelation 22:12)  

*  There is going to be a fantastic party banquet in Heaven  –  just like the party food (with cupcakes and frosting) at the party last night!   (see Revelation 19:6-9)  

*  There’s going to be brilliant sparkles, and flashing lights, and music at the party in Heaven – just like the sparkles, and flashing lights, and music in the birthday movie we all enjoyed watching together last night!   (see Revelation chapters 4 & 5)  

*  There will be never-ending joy and fun times together with friends for ever and ever and ever!   This is what Heaven will be!  

Last night’s party had to come to an end.   The laughter was so much fun!   Hanging out together was so much fun!   But eventually we all got tired, the movie came to an end, and everyone had to go back out into the 28* degrees and head back home again.  

But in Heaven – the party won’t have to stop!   We won’t have to go back out into the cold, 28 degrees, with slippery paths and slippery stairs.   The slipperiness of sin will forever be gone!   The iciness of sin will forever be done away with!   Whoo Hoo!!   Heaven is going to be awesome!  

Do you know Jesus??   Have you asked Jesus to come de-ice the sin from your life?  

Have you asked Jesus to take away the iciness of your sinful nature (that natural tendency to do what is wrong)  …  and have you asked Jesus to make you brand-new deep down at your soul level?   He will! 

Jesus will be so happy to give you solid stable footing so you can follow Him in the path of what is right.  

The invitation to the party of Heaven is open for all!   Everyone is invited!  

“Whoever calls on the name of the Lord [Jesus Christ] will be saved.”  – Romans 10:13

Leftover Birthday party flower bouquet! Isn’t it beautiful!